Chris Messina

Forecast - Tame every project in a single place

Top Hunter

Forecast is an AI-powered resource, scheduling & project management platform for any project-based company. An intuitive user interface will help you focus on what matters most, improving your profitability and efficiency. Connecting your people, projects and profits. One click installation lets you integrate with the apps you are already using.

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Zlatomira Koleva
Hi ProductHunt! First off, thanks @chrismessina for hunting us! We, at Forecast, aim higher than just making scheduling and project management easier. We want to automate it! Our goal is to eliminate all manual processes of resource and project management by using AI to setup and manage your projects. See how it works at We ask for an act of candid feedback to continuously learn from both teams and our customers using Forecast. We'd love to hear what you think! 😊 - Zlatomira
Chris O'Neill

Love the product and team, really impressed with it.


Great interface, stellar support


Some parts of the interface can be confusing

Vlad Korobov
@kolevazlatomira What are the main differences with ?
Zlatomira Koleva
Hi @vladkorobov, thank you for the question. :) Float is a great tool for resource scheduling. However, we do much more than that. We also do Project management, Time tracking and Budgeting. As well as we enable users to build their own reports.
Vlad Korobov
@kolevazlatomira could you show what kind of reports? Is there any list?
Zlatomira Koleva
Hi @vladkorobov, with Forecast you can build, gain insights and share reports about project progress in a timeline view, delay projection, customer requests, reported time per person/per client, client budget overview and much more. Feel free to book a demo with us here: , so our team can show you more examples of reporting.