Usha Bhamidipati

FoodCache - Manage food better, reduce food waste and save money

FoodCache allows users to scan grocery receipts or manually add food items to create an inventory of their food supply. As food is eaten throughout the week, users can update their inventory to track what is left and what foods are thrown away. FoodCache brings a level of accountability to food shopping and aims to improve purchasing behavior, reduce waste, and save consumers money.

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Matt Blake
Very clever idea. Shame it’s only on the US App Store but I guess that’s to do with food databases.
Usha Bhamidipati
@mattsmith4u Thank you Matt...with recent privacy policy concerns and noise we had to back out from releasing in other countries. Hope to release soon once dust settles and we have clear plan for privacy policy around data...
Max Angenius
@mattsmith4u agree with Matt. Wouldve wanted to try it out. Not accessible in Sweden. It is a nice concept πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸΌ
Max Angenius
@mattsmith4u agree with Matt. Wouldve wanted to try it out. Not accessible in Sweden. It is a nice concept πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸΌ
Usha Bhamidipati
@mattsmith4u @max_angenius On side note, we will be very happy to send a Apple Testflight build in a few weeks and get feedback...we really could use some Beta users outside US.
Max Angenius
@ushabhamidipati I have never had an Apple Test flight, that could be cool πŸ€“πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ What does that mean? ☺️
Usha Bhamidipati
Noticing how much food gets wasted in the household kitchens, forced me to look for solutions. Quickly realized this is a global problem with no integrated solution. Food Waste statistics in America and other developed countries were simply shocking. Considering wasted natural resources & energy that goes into producing & distributing food, also the environmental implications of wasted food, we passionate global team chose to launch this app as a start... We made this product with love on Planet Earth and hope you like it too...Please post your feedback and suggestions...
Venkatesh Thallam
It's a great idea. There's definitely tons of food waste out there, this will be useful to reduce it. Does the app also track expiry dates? That would be a cool addition.
Usha Bhamidipati
@vthallam thank you. App definitely tracks recommended consumption date and sorts out food in that order in snapshot view of food available. We definitely believe in "What gets measured gets managed" and will help reduce food waste.
Matt Harney
This is great to see. I really believe changing our behaviors towards food - especially food waste - will play a huge role in addressing climate change. An environmental advocacy group I founded - SEAL Awards - has been doing an interview series with emerging sustainability leaders. Artem / Usha / Gyam, if interested I can set up an interview for you? - Matt Examples of SEAL interviews:
Usha Bhamidipati
@matthew_harney thank you very much. Absolutely would love to...please email us your info at to connect further.
Ashwin K S
How did you build the scanner and how it scans and retrieves data from a bill..?? What technology did you use and how did you use this..?? Can you please share those with me..??
Usha Bhamidipati
@iamashwinks Thanks Ashwin for writing to us, while we really appreciate curiosity I am afraid we won't be able to completely answer your question other than fact that it is based on OCR technology :-).
Dillon Carter
Very great idea! The manual adjusting might be a small pain point but I think it will be worth it. Cannot stand throwing food out.
Usha Bhamidipati
@dillon_carter Thank you for awesome feedback and positive note of pain point. We really think it should take 5 mins (or less eventually as we improve our product) a week and behavior change to really make a difference and reduce food waste.
Josh McAtee
Downloaded today and I'm starting to navigate the interface. Couple questions from my first run through. * Can I manually add items via barcode? * What is the data source for the consumption durations? * What is the data source for the tips? * Can I adjust or add categories? Example: Meat is missing from the front tile page.
Usha Bhamidipati
@joshmcatee thanks for downloading it and questions...we built a MVP and once proven we will add more features. Here is our take on your questions... 1. We don't have barcode support at this time, and in pipeline for next major release. Even better we are also adding loyalty cards. You shop at few supported grocers and it is already in your inventory. 2. We have used Foodkeeper data published by USDA where applicable. There are gaps in data and we are looking into other sources for improvement and good thing it is in backend. But we always recommend user to adjust to their preference after our suggestion. We see it as recommended date for nutrient rich consumption, not expiry date. 3. Tips are coming from all published sources like "Love Food Hate Waste" campaigns and other great channels that recommend food storage tips. Will improve as we see fit again. 4. We didn't give support for user adding additional categories at this time. Once we get our MVP proven we will definitely consider it. Meat is challenging to put a date on and depends on several factors. We will add that once we fully understand legal implications around it as suggested by over advisors who are veterans in this. Other categories is a alternative for now...but soon we will have meat.
Josh McAtee
@ushabhamidipati Thanks for the take on each question. Sounds like your main target for this project was to reduce food waste. I saw one of the main draws was an inventory system. Which helps me understand why Meat was excluded from this MVP. I've been searching for something like this product so this MVP was pretty exciting to see. -Easy inventory additions (scanned receipt) -Transition from inventory to grocery list Future additions of shopper cards will be cool to see. Any thoughts store pricing integrated into the shopping list with a link out a potential online cart from that store? I realize your primary target was to reduce food waste so this may not be a feature you're looking to add. Glad to see you're using Foodkeeper data. I think that makes the most sense and its what I recommend to anyone that is not comfortable making their own assessments on when to consume their food.
Usha Bhamidipati
@joshmcatee Thank you for feedback and we are very happy that our MVP has some features that really excite you... We are evaluating grocery store or farmers market integration into App with following in mind... 1. We use your data to make suggestions on quantity of food to buy (for food items in your shopping list), which helps you only buy food you need, reduce food waste and also save money. 2. Find nearest best farmers market or grocery within a few miles that can deliver exactly quantities you need. 3. Potentially give consumer couple of grocery stores or farmers market that can deliver your shopping list to your preference - organic, best price, ugly fruit and veg :-) This is more of a long term vision, but key always is to #endfoodwaste and save money to consumer as a reward for using us.
Josh McAtee
@ushabhamidipati We just tried to use it with a receipt from Target and we got an error. Error due to the receipt format. Is this a know issue with certain receipts?
Usha Bhamidipati
@joshmcatee sorry you are having issues with receipt scanning. While we thrive to support all formats and stores we run into issues with few. There are thousands of stores to support. We have good confidence with whole foods, trader Joe's, Safeway. We are updating our webpage soon with suggestions on how to effectively get receipt scanning to work. We will also improve our algorithms constantly as we get more users and receipt formats to improve overall experience. Please email us your email ID used for sign up and I am sure we will follow-up with you on why your receipt scanning failed.
Ghost Kitty
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Usha Bhamidipati
@stevenjames Thank you for your kind words...

An app in the right direction of minimizing food wastage


Easy way to know how much food I am throwing away each week. shopping List helps me to buy only what I need, thereby save money.


Manually enter the food I am using

I can not download from a non-US store πŸ˜”
Usha Bhamidipati
@antichevre sorry as mentioned above we are still working out privacy policy details and will soon be there as well... we can send a testflight link ifyou can email us, appreciate feedback and patience while we release in other countries and Android version.
Gyan Lakhwani
@antichevre @ushabhamidipati Hey SebastiΓ‘n - Drop an email at and we can hook you up with a TestFlight code so you can try the app out πŸ˜ƒ
Usha Bhamidipati
@foodcacheapp @gyanl1 @antichevre Hope you got invite and able to signup
Md Islam
why should I have to sign up to use this?
Usha Bhamidipati
@mdnislam007 thanks for trying it out. App uses your food stocking and consumption patterns to suggest adjustments to your handling with food, so the sign up. Key is to how to make targeted adjustments to help reduce food waste and save consumer money.
Eitan Shtainkort
Very cool product and seems super effective. Best of luck with this idea!
Usha Bhamidipati
We had to remove app from App store and stopped working on it, code will be posted on github soon if anyone wants to look underhood...
@foodcacheapp how far did you get with this solution? why did you stop pursuing it? what were your challenges, obstacles and what can we learn from your lessons. Food waste is a global problem. Many are trying to solve it as part of SDG goals. Let's talk.