Keyser R.

FontDatabase - The hassle of font-hunting, gone ✨

by• is a website aimed to help you choose fonts faster. No more half hours gone clicking on font after font until you find the right one!

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Marife Villalon
This is neat. Any plans of adding more characteristics?
Keyser R.
@marifevillalon Thank you!! Yes, I'm still working on more features for the site, as well as planning to add more fonts and categories for said fonts :) I'll be announcing the updates as they roll out!
Keyser R.
Hey everyone! I created after years of seeing frustrated designers struggle to find the perfect fonts for their projects... And sometimes, finding myself in that situation. From idea to launch, the project took 10 days to complete. I wanted the site to be straightforward and to the point, just like all the products The M Company aims to create, so you make the most of your time. More fonts and categories will be added soon! If you have any particular suggestions or comments you can reach out to me via twitter and/or email, I'd love to hear from you. Thanks for checking out! EDIT: I hear you and I agree! The background colour has been darkened so it's easier on the eye. More than one palette option will be coming out soon so you can try fonts in different bg colours!

If it were possible to manually select the background color from a few options, it would be great!


Nice, simple, does the job


The sharp red background is not easy on the eye

Wilson Hobbs
The background is extremely jarring and unreadable. Please change it. Please, PLEASE change it. Otherwise, it's a good idea! Looking forward to seeing what's next.
Keyser R.
@wbhob Hi Wilson! Thanks for checking fontdatabase out. I'll definitely change the background, as I said in my introductory comment, I think I will be adding different options so it's not straining to the eyes, esp for people who don't have 20/20 vision or get tired eyes easily. Will be fixing it asap!
Your Logo is beautiful and meaningful.
Nora Watts
Pro easy interface Con Limited selections (How about silly fonts or sexy fonts or even boring fonts) I''m assuming it is for people for whom fonts are not designers for its very basic. Keep working on it It has possibilities. Hey, it's more thani can do!
Keyser R.
@newnoz1 Thanks for the feedback and for checking it out Nora! As I said on the introduction, I will be adding more fonts and categories soon, stay tuned :)
The Lloydinator
Any plans for an API in the future?
Keyser R.
@lloydmiller Hi, not at the moment no, sorry! What kind of idea did you have in mind?
Keyser R.
UPDATE: now offers more font suggestions! More and more will always be added. If you have any specific search queries you'd like me to add make sure to hit me up at @TheMComp on twitter 😄
Jatin Shriyan
Very cool! @whereskeyser 😃 Maybe add another characteristic for someone who may not be too familiar with fonts and doesn't know them by their names and how they look. For example I just want an alternative to 'Calibri' ? Does that make sense? I see a lot of usefulness in this though.
Keyser R.
@hendrix1690 Hi Jatin, thanks for checking out FontDatabase! Thank you for the suggestion, I'll take it into account. There are still a lot more updates to come!! 😄
all fonts are free to use ?
Keyser R.
@mcflydev Hi! The download links for every font are the official ones. Some fonts are free, some are not, but the plan is to add more free, quality fonts in the future. Stay tuned!
The Lloydinator
@keyser ah yes I'm working on a project to help businesses plan websites much easier and fonts are something I don't really have an eye for. Something like this would be great to plug into my idea.
Lars Schwarz
"a font more formal than Open Sans" > Comic Sans ... hmmm. "a font more serif than ..." > returns grotesk and script fonts... hmmm. Actually that results look totally random to me?