Since our first launch in 2016, Fomo has dubbed itself the "online equivalent of a busy store." Our new product, Storefront, makes that a reality by converting window shoppers into paying customers.
hey everyone!
this product was inspired by a Fomo customer who wanted to augment a furniture store launch with social proof from their online business. always looking for a challenge, we figured "why not."
fast forward a few months, the pilot was successful and we realized more businesses could benefit from showing off digital activity at their physical retail store, cafe, or restaurant.
Storefront connects to POS tools, online reviews, and social media to help customers make better buying decisions. if you connect a touch screen monitor, it adds interactivity like scannable "buy now" QR codes, and ROI is trackable inside Google Analytics or the Fomo dashboard.
our vision is to give honest entrepreneurs the credibility they deserve.
This is cool. I think the offline to online sync is one of the hardest ones in marketing today that often gets ignored. I see a big swath of companies crushing it online but no physical presence and vice versa.
Kind of like @estimote in reverse
@ryanckulp curious what segment you have found benefits from this the most? fashion? health? CPG?
unrelated: I wonder if I'll ever be enough a savvy marketer to see POS and not think Piece of Sh!t.
@mrmikesmith not enough Storefront customers to know what segment is best (yet) but my hunch is stores with a lot of SKUs. if a biz only sell a few items, our output will be less insightful for shoppers
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