Andrew Ettinger

Popcorn - Tinder for great movies you haven't seen

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Jimmy Vergerolle
Fun concept ! I think it can be improved by adding the plot summary next to the film cover. 🙂
Lukáš Prokein
@jimmyvergerolle Thanks for feedback! We are working on this feature to bring better native experience without in-app web browser and it will be added in next update soon. 🍿
Lukáš Prokein
Thanks for hunting us. We are still working on new features. It’s funny we planned to hunt 🍿Popcorn later this week after update but I hope you like it now. 🙂
Simon Dingle
I love this idea, but it needs a lot work. Would be nice to see recommendations based on movies I enjoyed - right now it's just random. Also, remove the ads. The revenue you're making isn't worth losing all your users. Focus on delight. Keep up the awesome work 🙌🏽
Great app idea, but I don't see any movie covers in the iOS app, only a blue tv icon. 🤔
Lukáš Prokein
@joelischka Sorry, there was some dropout on image service but it is working again now.
Emmanuel Lemor
Great start but how about be able to download the list of is Added and Seen to a CSV?
Lukáš Prokein
@exlemor Thanks for feedback! Would you like to have this feature to just for backup your lists or for some another purpose?
Emmanuel Lemor
@lukasprokein a. To backup my list and import it into a software like Collectorz Movie Collector or equivalent.. and share that info easily with friends etc
Ravi Teja
Great idea. a small suggestion may be the app can use take OAuth from IMDB and add the movies which I have already seen from IMDB to the app
Adrien Moret
For french people, there is also this app on "the tinder for movies" aspect. Great app by the way!