Michael Herrmann

fman - A modern file manager for power users

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"I moved from Win to Mac and missed Total Commander" – This is the same reason why we have released Commander One 👍
Michael Herrmann
@unpositive why I decided to start fman even though C1 exists: 1) C1 is not cross-platform 2) its UI is bloated 3) no plugin API
@m_herrmann Thank you for your reply! Plugins will be available in v2. "Non-cross-platforming"? – we confident that the choice of OS X and Swift was the right decision.
Farbod Saraf
It's handy! Please add a proper onboarding to it too. I'm not sure what are the shortcuts and where to find them.
Michael Herrmann
@farbodsaraf very good point. The shortcuts are listed here: https://fman.io/docs/shortcuts. I'll add some onboarding (https://trello.com/c/EmsWIZpL/85...)
Farbod Saraf
@m_herrmann thanks, and a feature request: FTP profiles, so I can have my hosting on one pane and local files on the other. Similar to FileZilla but more user-friendly.
Michael Herrmann
@farbodsaraf I understand you'd like FTP support. By "profiles" you mean a list of saved servers?
Michael Herrmann
@farbodsaraf 👍 fman's features are priorities by user votes. The card for FTP support (which I've extended for profiles as you describe) is here: https://trello.com/c/75s5iREn/4-...
Yvan Scher
hey this is kind of cool. i was wondering if you could provide a little more context for why you made this?
Michael Herrmann
@yvanscher TL;DR: I moved from Win to Mac and missed Total Commander. https://fman.io/blog/introducing...
Kelly Kuhn-Wallace
@m_herrmann This rocks. Plug-in architecture in Python! Am transitioning to Mac in a few weeks...now I have a fighting chance. 👀
Michael Herrmann
@kkdub :) thanks! Glad you like it
awesome. been using off amd on for a few weeks. hoping that more catch on and put some plugins up. wish i could but i'm coding challenged.
V Keerthi Vikram
I just discovered this and it is unbelievable. I am in love with fman now.
Derek Nuzum
Damn already out of licenses :(
Vali Draganescu
I like this but I don't get it? Why can't I open a file in it's default editor just by double click?
Michael Herrmann
@vfdraganescu hm what else happens when you double click? Opening with the default app is definitely what should happen.
Vali Draganescu
@m_herrmann I'm a mobile software developer and for iOS I use Xcode. Xcode creates foo.xcodeproj and fman is considering it is a folder and opens the bundle instead of opening it with Xcode. It would be nice to open with Xcode and on right click, select open as folder. Similar to what Finder app does.
Michael Herrmann
@vfdraganescu I'm reluctant to do this. Eg there are also .app bundles. Working on fman.app, I always want to enter into them, not open the app. But! You could easily write a plugin that overrides the default behaviour: https://fman.io/docs/plugins-int... let me know if I can help.
Michael Herrmann
@vfdraganescu I wrote the fman plugin that lets you open XCode projects: https://github.com/mherrmann/Mac...
Vali Draganescu
@m_herrmann Thanks a bunch! Maybe a stupid question but how do I make fman to show hidden files and folder? I can see them finder but not in fman.
Fraser Smith
I already have Pathfinder and Forklift for my dual pane goodness, but this looks cool too. I'll give it a try.
Евгений Копылов
Hello! How I can change my disc (C:/) to Disk (D:/) or another?
Michael Herrmann
@cb9toiiia or Alt+F1/F2 :)
Dmitry Zhart
Really cool product. Minimalistic, handy and beautiful. When I discovered it I was so excited that even wrote a review (in russian): http://geekus.ru/fman/