Eduardo Moreno

Sidekick - Tools that enhance Flutter's development experience

A simple desktop interface for tools that enhance Flutter's development experience to make it even more delightful. Available for Linux, macOS and Windows.

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This is going to be quite helpful during development. Congrats!
Eduardo Moreno
Hey everyone! I am one of the developers of Sidekick, a simple desktop interface for tools that enhance Flutter's development experience to make it even more delightful. Today we're excited to announce our first stable release! It brings new features, new looks, and huge optimizations, and I'll tell you all about them, but first, let me explain what Sidekick does: It is a Flutter version manager (thanks to FVM) and project manager. This means that Sidekick functions as your go-to place when managing your flutter apps, it's your development homebase. You can view all your projects, manage their flutter version, launch them in your code editor, or even play around in our project playground. Whatever it is you want to do with your Flutter project, Sidekick is the perfect starting point. Now, with 1.0 and the release of Flutter 3.0 we've worked hard to show how native a Flutter app can truly feel, and, if Flutter just caught your eye today, Sidekick is one of the easiest ways to get started! In macOS we are excited to announce our new icon, which you can see in the header. It has been rebuilt to conform with macOS's other icons, and we guarantee it will feel right at home in your menu, with everything from it's subtle gradients to the shadows. Windows has also received some love from us. In fact, Sidekick will now look somewhat different, with a beautiful Mica effect on Windows 11 and a curved main card which fits Microsoft's Fluent UI guidelines. Let's also not forget about the fact that Sidekick is now available in the Microsoft Store, and has been for a couple of months. This means it is easier than ever to get started and set Sidekick up, simply by heading to the MS Store and clicking install. It has been great to see the reception of Sidekick in the Microsoft Store, with a 5-star rating and with over 200 downloads just in the first month from people all over the world. If you are using the MS Store 1.0.0 will be available shortly, but it may take a couple of days until the update rolls out to all devices. Hang tight! With this Sidekick release we are also releasing two new big features: You can now select a custom application start your projects with! Simply head over to the IDE selection toggle and click on custom. Then, simply select the application you want to open your projects with. Want to change the IDE again? Simply click on the custom button again to change your previous selection We are taking the first step towards improving support for first time users of sidekick. As of 1.0.0 Sidekick will now check that all the required components are installed and correctly configured, as well as showing you the necessary commands to install everything with just one click. Last but not least, this release brings some new translations thanks to all of you. Sidekick is now available in the following languages (in addition to any of the previously bundled ones): Japanese, Polish, Italian, Ukrainian(Слава Україні!), and Bengali. Sidekick is the work of over 15 people, so thank you to every single one of you for helping make Flutter's dev experience even better.