Recurring tweets for dynamic content
Gareth Fuller

Flutter — Recurring tweets for dynamic content

Gareth Fuller
Hi all, Flutter makes it possible to tweet out, on a recurring schedule, any dynamic content on the web. On a previous project, I wanted to automatically tweet out the oil price on a recurring schedule. Yes, I could have built a one-off solution for this but I thought it might be cool to make it a generic reusable tool. I think it has some potential as a type of growth hacking / social media automation tool but would like to see what everyone else thinks.
Gareth Fuller
@ijustmadethise done! Thanks for the suggestion.
Maxwell Finn
This is so awesome! We are gonna start using it for one of our Twitter accounts that tweets about trending items. I just set one up for PH, so it tweets out most upvoted product each day. Sorry Ryan for taking your idea!
Gareth Fuller
@maxwellfinn thanks! Glad you like it.
Ryan Hoover
Selfish feature suggestion: tweet the top upvoted product of the day on Product Hunt. 😉
Gareth Fuller
@rrhoover already have a dedicated twitter account waiting to do this when it's ready! ;)
Gareth Fuller
@rrhoover this is a late reply but I wanted to let you know that your feature suggestion has been added to Flutter! I've written a blog post about how to take advantage of it and I've used the top Product Hunt as an example. You can check it out here - https://medium.com/flutter-blog/... - if you're interested.
Saijo George
This is awesome. Great work @garethafuller and team.
Gareth Fuller
Thanks @saijo_george! Let me know how you get on.