Fluently is an online text editor with a multilingual translator, dictionary, and thesaurus built-in — all text editing and translating features in one simple tool.
Let me introduce you to a new web-based tool for translations and content editing — Fluently.
Fluently is an online text editor with a multilingual translator, dictionary, and thesaurus built-in — all text editing and translating features in one simple tool. You can use it to create a document in a foreign language while writing in your mother tongue.
The idea for Fluently was born out of our own multilingual needs and experiences with writing. We both, @milberferreira and @sandercrombach, have worked in international teams, and live in multilingual families. Consulting various tools and websites takes too much time and makes multilingual text editing burdensome. We decided to tackle this problem!
We are excited to share Fluently with you and hope you'll try out our beta. Let us know what you think, and we are looking forward to your feedback.
@milberferreira Congratulations, this looks great. My only issue is that the meaning and essence of the message is lost in translation because language is a complex problem. That is why where the message to be delivered is very specific and important I would like to take an expert's help to ensure that the message is delivered across perfectly. Maybe you can have a premium feature where a proof reading is done by an expert in that language. All the best. Cheers
@rahulvats Exactly! We believe that Machine Translations still have a long way to go and that so far, no matter how advanced and sophisticated the algorithm is, Human Intelligence is still far above Artificial Intelligence. That's why we created Fluently, to get you started with a "more than decent" draft created by Neural Machine Translation algorithms, and then enable you to update the translated output to make it Human Perfect. Fluently is here to make your work(flow) easier, not to replace it 😊
Proofreading services is something we have in our roadmap but thanks for suggesting and reaffirming this is something users might find useful. Thank you!
Looks amazing. I also tested English to Turkish, French and French to English, Turkish. The Translation for French and English are good but Turkish has a real problem. I believe you'll solve translation issues since you're in beta.
That's an awesome tool, good luck!
@firatdogan Hi, thanks! Great that you are trying Fluently and even finding issues 😅. We'll love to hear your feedback so that we can make Fluently even better 👉 https://www.videoask.com/fpy89nddi
@milberferreira I found a bug, Click on "Add a title" (don't type anything ) then click on the bold icon, turn it off then turn it on. The controls disappear. Great Product BTW, loved it.
Before sending i just checked it again, i think it happens with all the buttons.
@jacobbs Alright, I would appreciate if you could share a screenshot with us through this link https://www.videoask.com/fpy89nddi. Try to reproduce it but I can't. I did notice that we have a lot of traffic and one of our servers shut down, but that should have been fixed by now.
Is this supposed to replace word processing services like Google Docs and MS Word or translation services like Google Translate and Deepl? Or is it supposed to replace both?
@topazdoorway Awesome question, thanks for asking. We like to be humble in our ambition, but if all goes well, and we manage (through user feedback) to get a product that people would like to use every day to write their documents because they really enjoy working with it, it could replace both, now of course that's a dream 🙌 - At first we believe that it would improve the lives of those who do a lot of non-native language writing on daily basis, marketing teams in international companies, e.g. But a wider user adoption ambition is not off the board.
Haha I was just about to publish my new App https://fluentlly.com
I think i will postpone it for a few days to avoid confusion
Don't worry, my App does something else...
However I'm also using a translate feature - I would love to know what service are you using =)
@naveh_mevorach Hi, that's a coincidence. Thanks for postponing, we appreciate it :) I tried to visit your website but can't see anything. Would love to hear more about your app.
@milberferreira Your welcome! I just tried the link and its working. Maybe try: https://app.fluentlly.com
Good luck with your product! Looks great. There was a similar product a week ago. It called Writty
@naveh_mevorach Ah, that works! Nice! Looks great. I'll create an account to check it out in depth. Yes, Writty seems to be a great app too. Thanks for sharing!
As a native spanish-speaker, I wouldn't say that it makes you sound fluent... to be honest, you can instantly tell it's an automatic translation. But I feel like the translations are still a lot better than Google Translate. The main reason I can't recommend it, is because it doesn't work the way they advertise it... at least their English to Spanish translations. But it's definitely a step forward compared to other solutions I've seen.
@javitoluz Hola Javier, gracias por tus comentarios y lamento que nuestra publicidad te parezca diferente al producto que ofrecemos, todavía estamos haciendo muchos cambios para que la aplicación se vuelva cada vez mejor y ofrezca otros métodos de comunicación, como dictado.
Creemos firmemente que las Traducciones automáticas todavía tienen un largo camino por recorrer, y que hasta ahora, no importa cuán avanzado y sofisticado sea el algoritmo, la Inteligencia Humana todavía está muy por encima de la Inteligencia Artificial. Es por eso que creamos con Fluently, para que pueda comenzar con un borrador más que decente creado por los algoritmos de Neural Machine Translation, y luego incluso poder actualizar la traduccion para que sea lo mas perfecta posible. Creamos Fluently para facilitar nuestro trabajo con las traducciones, no para reemplazar a los humanos de la ecuación 😊
@milberferreira That's a great way of thinking. I'll definitely be looking into future updates, and I look forward to testing your English-Spanish translations again! Good luck to all of your team.
@jydesign Thank you! We believe Fluently could help many people who write in a foreign language. Feel free to share with us your feedback if you find things you don't like or could improve. We'll love to hear that 😊
Clean. Smooth. Brilliant Absolutely great
Just one small bug I have been facing. From split screen it auto shifts to single screen as a i start typing. Might be a one off error too but I thought I will just bring it to your notice :)
@naimil_shah Thanks for trying out our beta, and for your feedback! The idea of the right panel disappearing is because we believe that once a writer stats typing, their focus is back on the writing, not in the translation. Anyway, we take feedback very seriously, and we’ll take your request into consideration to remove this feature, and if it fits our roadmap maybe even implement it on our next release. Stay tuned!
@milberferreira oh okay. Since there was a toggle button I thought that it will stay. Maybe adding a little lock option on view night help. Thanks for the amazing product though :)
@naimil_shah Got you! Yeah, it makes sense to be more clear on that specific functionality to don't caught you by surprise. We definitely will take your feedback, into our next session and try to find a solution for this. Thanks for sharing your suggestions.
Hey I was actually looking for something like this, but somehow wasnt able to test it as it is not able to translate in Hindi or Bengali [ the languages I know]... will wait for your update :-)
@samikshaa Hi, thanks for trying Fluently, we do support both Hindi and Bengali 😊 Please give it another try and go to the dropdown on the "Translate to" dropdown.
@lelandhough Awesome question, thanks for asking. We like to be humble in our ambition, but if all goes well, and we manage (through user feedback) to get a product that people would like to use every day to write their documents because they really enjoy working with it, it could replace both Google Translate and Google Docs, now of course that's a dream 🙌 - At first we believe that Fluently would improve the lives of those who do a lot of non-native language writing on daily basis, marketing teams in international companies for example. But a wider user adoption ambition is not off the board.
Tried this with Japanese, but it failed to recognise simple text and then thought a longer piece was Portuguese... That's fine, I'll try again later. Google Translate etc. are frustrating specifically because you cannot correct it when it gets it wrong, so a dictionary would be a great idea.
@roylarke Thanks for trying it and sharing your feedback. Some languages are more difficult to recognize than others, but we are working on making our recognition algorithms stronger and more accurate day by day.
We are also looking into giving you the option to update the translation on the fly to regain the control over the outcome of the Machine Translation.
Human Intelligence is still superior to Artificial Intelligence when it comes to languages, and Fluently is only trying to fill in the gap between the two by providing you a bridge where you can use Artificial Intelligence to get started and finalize your translations as you think is best.
@clarencejosephson Thank you for trying out our beta. At this point, our main focus is to create a product that helps you with your workflow and improves the efficiency and quality of your work. We believe that Fluently will end up operating as a freemium tool, which means it will always be free and only if you require more features, you will be able to choose a premium plan.
@johntaber2 Yes! We are that glad you like that too! How tedious is to try to translate content and not being able to preserve its formatting, right? We fixed that 😊
Fluently Beta
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Fluently Beta
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Fluently Beta
Pixar Style Faces 3D Avatars
Fluently Beta
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Sketch Hunt
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Fluently Beta