Jeff Needles

Flowlingo Image Translation - Practice a language with memes and webcomics

Flowlingo immerses you in a language with pop culture, now with images.
Open any meme or webcomic to practice! Flowlingo will recognize the text and allow you to tap any word or phrase to have it translated inline.
Free, with 20+ languages supported.

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Jeff Needles
Even though I'm terrible at learning other languages... I keep coming back to flowlingo to try, because it's just so fun. Making the core a meme, a real life thing with an attached piece of imagery is clever AF. I'm alright struggling through the sentence, since at the end... there's a (usually) hilarious payoff! Congrats @mkelly! Can't wait to watch this evolve 😍
Lev Popov
With Flowlingo Image Translation we wanted to make practicing languages even more fun and lightweight, so you can do it even if you only have a few minutes a day. What are your favorite webcomics and meme sites? Let me know if you have any feedback!