Casey Newton

Flic - Like Tinder for your camera roll

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Joshua Dance
Only thing I worry about it I take multiple photos of everything. So it isn't really deciding if I like the photo but deciding which one is best of that moment. Being able to compare multiple would be great.
@joshdance Cleanup does exactly what you are looking for. Swipe left/right through carousel to compare and up to delete.
Ryan Hoover
I especially like the MB counter at the top. Every swipe feels like progress. Nice review on the Verge, @caseynewton.
Karim Roushdy
@rrhoover the swipe movement & counter gives a fun hot or not like game feel
Obaid Rahimi
@rrhoover @caseynewton How do you inset Giphys in comments? :D
Casey Newton
The easiest way to clean up your camera roll on iOS that I've seen.
Dagny Prieto
I love this, but I want it IN the photo app, not as a separate app.
Funny, I built the same thing and mine cam out first.
Ryan Alam
i'm constantly battling with my phone's camera roll to save hard drive space, so this is brilliant.
Awesome idea, my iPhone 5S is actually full now, will install
Karim Roushdy
this would be a useful & productive app for me! please android version soon !!
Jack Smith
I wish I had known that this existed before the upgrade to ios8, where I had to delete loads of stuff
Adam Ceresko
Having my girlfriends immediately download to manage her always full camera roll.
Anything similar out there for Android users?
I prefer Cleen (see because there's a third option -- it lets you swipe up to Favorite, moving photos into your iOS favorites folder. Something you might as well do if you're going to go through everything!
Colbey Warren
THIS IS AMAZING. seriously, kudos to the creators. Love it guys 👍🏽
Dante Orpilla
This looks exactly like Gallery Cleaner. I mean, down to the font, color, everything.
Vahan Avagyan
Can't upgrade. Throws errors when trying.
Gillian Morris
I've been using this happily for a few months but just went looking for it and appears it's disappeared from the App Store. Any idea why?