James Green

Flex - Twitch for fitness

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Austin Sandmeyer
I'll start stretching because I LOVE the idea of this! 💪
Elliott James Perry
@as_austin Belly dancing up next Austin! ;)
Austin Sandmeyer
@ltroisi75 Hahah thank you! It's one of my natural languages!
Elliott James Perry
Hi guys, thanks for checking out Flex - we aim to be Twitch for fitness and home workouts. Today we're live streaming a number of workouts so you can get a feel for what it would be like to use the platform. Schedule (GMT): 0900 - 1000: Yoga 1000 - 1100: High intensity bootcamp 1300 - 1400: High intensity bootcamp 1430 - 1515: Zumba 1600 - 1700: Belly dancing I'll do my very best to answer any and all of your questions but the honest truth is that this is one big experiment, we're taking a very emergent strategy in discovering what a community-driven live streaming fitness platform actually looks like. I'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions! - What do you value about the way you workout at the moment? What features would pique your interest? Would you use this? Our thoughts so far: There's no replacement for the true experience of attending a fitness class/group workout, but we can bring some of the factors that make them so appealing to the home workout experience for those that feel more comfortable working out at home/for whom it's more convenient to workout at home etc. Home fitness content was distributed on VHS, then DVD and now on-demand. The next step is live streaming. This will allow for a more immersive experience between trainer and participants as you share a unique experience, right then and there in the moment. The visibility of others working out along side you (through inviting others, social streams, chat before, after and during cool-down periods etc.) will drive you forward in a way that watching content alone potentially didn't. Integration with wearable fitness tech helps this by showing everyone's heart rates on the the screen/how many calories they've burned etc. Gamification through leaderboards and achievements will foster an attitude of healthy competition that will also provide drive and motivation. And finally, the global community will mean access to world-class trainers you potentially wouldn't have access to if you were limited to those in your area. Ultimately we're trying to tap into the experience of feeling part of something bigger yourself - surrounded by people without being surrounded by people. Motivation through community and experience. Wish us luck!
Jay A. Breen
@elliottjperry ok, so are you partnering with @FITBIT (OPEN API) in #1 in WearableTech Sales> https://www.fitbit.com/partnership > https://gfycat.com/ShockingRevol...
Franco Facioni
I'm having a "can't believe I didn't think of this" moment. Great idea!
Elliott James Perry
@francofacioni Thank you Franco! :)
I like this. I always wondered why I need to, physically, go to my spinning class and not just video dial in with my tacx in the living room
Elliott James Perry
@rikvandonselaar Thanks Rik! Exactly, so if you can't make it to a class for some reason then this is where we come in. Obviously we aren't trying to replace classes, but just make it more accessible to people who might not be able to get to a class for some reason! We think that the interaction of a live event make this more engaging and motivating than just watching videos on Youtube for example.
So you're taking something like Peleton but applying it to group fitness classes and without the need of an expensive cycle?
Elliott James Perry
@surheeho Good summary Serg! I think the fundamental difference with our platform is that the trainers are not restricted to those in-house. No doubt we'll provide some to begin with but ultimately we want the community to take over. We sampled 50 random indie fitness channels from YouTube and collectively they had 8 billion views - it's those community fitness influencers that we want to tap into :)
Bill Hendricks
Thanks, I need the motivation and look forward to trying Flex. How much does/will it cost?
Elliott James Perry
@billhendricksjr Hi Bill, thanks very much for your kind words. Its early days, so it is free for now. We are considering different pricing models so it is not finalised yet, sorry I can't give you a clearer answer at the moment!
Thack ☁️
Love the concept. As you say, much needed. One question: will you be requiring your instructors to mike up? I had my volume on full blast and I just got a load of echo and not a lot in the way of clear instruction coming through.
Elliott James Perry
@davethackeray Hi Thack, sorry about that! Today was in part a test on our end, to see how easy it would be for people who don't have access to expensive equipment to get started streaming their classes. Definitely we have work to do to optimise this. Thanks for your kind words, and for taking the time to give us feedback!
Thack ☁️
@elliottjperry no criticism intended. You did awesome. I work in digital for a bunch of gym chains and I'm constantly amazed at the innovation that surrounds us. We're always looking for ways to reach our members who for whatever reason choose to work out from home. What you're doing is in a sense a gateway to a real gym experience. For people to acclimatise the fitness classes in the comfort and security of their own home before tasting the real thing in a public setting. Kudos, Elliott!
Samir Doshi
more and more people are working out from home and this is such a powerful tool --- just a second thought from my first comment.
Ian Rumac
Game changing. If you play your cards right, this will be insanely big. Congrats @elliottjperry and @jcbgreen! I hope you keep a "Flex stream" channel where people can easily join in on a current workout and make the room feel more like a gym/dojo. Currently it feels like it's someone's garage and turns me off from watching. Hire an interior designer or do it yourself, look up some other gym videos people rent, I believe this could really influence how people actually react to videos. Keeping one main channel would allow you to promote sponsored content and get some big names in fitness that don't have the time to do daily workout streams and manage their own channels. Wish you all the best!
Elliott James Perry
@ianissoawesome @jcbgreen Thank you for the kind words Ian, I'm happy other people see the potential in Flex. Haha, I couldn't agree more - the next event will place greater emphasis on getting the workout environment up to scratch. And good thoughts RE one main channel to attract bigger influencers for one-off shows - I like that idea a lot
Troy Ruediger
This is a great idea! Can streamers monetize? I assume this will become a thing, we will see the "twitch for ... " products start to pop up. "Twitch for cooking classes/lessons" seems like a good idea..
Elliott James Perry
@troy_ruediger hey Troy. Thanks for your support! Yes we will definitely be helping streamers to monetize, nothing finalised yet, but we are looking at how other sites have approached this and talking to fitness instructors to find the best way forward for everyone :)
Samir Doshi
This is so needed - great idea and nice implementation --- def checking this out and sharing!
Elliott James Perry
@samir_doshi Thanks for the kind words Sam! And thank you for sharing.
Steve Luvender
This is a super interesting idea. You get the feeling of community while working out at home. I’ll be following along for sure – seems like a really cool experiment!
Elliott James Perry
@bite Thank you Steve for the kind words! Yes the community feel is a huge part of why we are building Flex. Great to have you joining us for the journey :) I will check out your company Trading Paints!
karthik renkarajan
This is really a cool idea.I have been thinking about this and my bad,looks like my brain storming wasn't effective enough.Good luck. Currently ,I see, the app is using livestream. Do you have plans to build your own streaming infrastructure and an app. Potentially , you can contact some fitness enthusiast who uses P90X. That's an elegant way to get your initial streamers.Just my thought.
Elliott James Perry
@karthrenkarajan Hi Karthik, yes we are using livestream at the moment, and yes we do plan to release our own streaming infrastructure... but that will take time :) I appreciate your thought on contacting streamers, definitely will look into it!