Flatten the Curve
Humanity’s effort to flatten the growth curve of COVID-19
Sam Claassen

Flatten the Curve — Humanity’s effort to flatten the growth curve of COVID-19

We're working non-stop with nomads & researchers across the world to build an interactive global map to slow the spread COVID-19. Find updates by country on: quarantine information, travel restrictions, social distancing, testing, and treatment information.
Sondre L. Rasch
Hey everyone, I'm Sondre the CEO and co-founder of SafetyWing, an insurance company for nomads and remote workers. Because our customers are nomads, we've received many questions from them about what they should do in their particular country: whether they have to quarantine, if they have to leave or travel can to a particular place, and if or how they can get tested for the coronavirus. In our struggle to find useful and accurate answers, we discovered that a single source with reliable and comprehensive information didn't exist. So, we decided to build it ourselves. We pulled together nomads, journalists and researchers around the globe to bring accurate and up to date information together into an interactive worldwide map tool with sources. We are building this with and for the nomad community. Whether you are a nomad, or just want to get a tl;dr on testing and treatment information, containment measures, and guidelines where you are (by country or US state), I hope you will find this tool useful. If you know someone abroad who may find the information useful, please share it with them as well. It will be updated daily by our team. Let me know if you have ideas for how we can make it better and more useful. Sondre Rasch, CEO of SafetyWing