Thomas Schranz ⛄️

flatcat - A robot cat that is flat

This fluffy little robot companion will do anything it wants to do. No remote, no app. flatcat reacts to touch instantaneously, playfully explores its environment, and develops individual preferences.

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Rashmi Gupta
it's so creepy...hahah, just watched the video on your website
Matthias Kubisch
@rashjbp creepy-good, i suppose :)
Ken Savage
Creepy. Nope nope nope. I must have it. Shut up and take my money
Matthias Kubisch
@kensavage we'd love to sell a flatcat to you!!! please visit our campaign page cheers Matthias
Nice robot :)
Matthias Kubisch
@vivekweb2013 thanks <3
Santiago Gonzalez
This should win in the Weird category. I gotta ask, what exactly are you thinking?
<3 <3 <3
Michael Tomasetti
I already have a real pet, and now I want a robot one too.
Thomas Schranz ⛄️
🐛🐛🐛 creepy cute
Matthias Kubisch
Don't hesitate to ask me anything about flatcat. I'm happy to answer your questions. flatcat is available on kickstarter
Patryk Filipiak
It's very strange robot :D
Tom Webb
Should have a custom option where old creepy ladies who’s car have just died. Instead of having a taxidermy then can use the cats fur on the robot.
Jing Hu
more like a caterpillar... can you make a cute 🐶 puppy please?
Matthias Kubisch
Crowdfunding on #Kickstarter is still open, please support, please share, if you like, if you find it creepy, please share, too :P