Flash by Facebook
Facebook's Snapchat clone
Adithya Shreshti

Flash by Facebook — Facebook's Snapchat clone

Steven Rueter
What about the very valid Snap “Single mode visual media capture" patent? Does FB just ngaf about that?
Nicholas Sheriff
https://www.fastcompany.com/3056... Silicon Valley Is Obsessed With First World Problems Silicon Valley wants to transform our lives, but its increasing myopia points to a lack of diversity and imagination.
Abhishek Biswal
Nobody knows about this. They didn't market it probably because of the store reviews about it being a snapchat clone o.O
Eugene de Beer
Does anyone know whether Facebook has just reused the team or artifacts from their Masquerade (MSQRD) purchase to deliver this product in a bid to take on Snap or whether they have built this entire app from scratch?
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
I wonder why Facebook went this way on Android, whereas they crammed this into Messenger on iOS...
Austin Sandmeyer
@chrismessina 100% agree on this. I'm wondering the strategy... 🤔 If it was truly just the UI and product design that made Snapchat so successful the many attempts to copy it would be equally successful. The network effect is important but this feels weird.
Kostas Xiradakis
@as_austin @chrismessina Facebook is consistently trying to undermine Snap's upcoming IPO in order to stop them from raising a gigantic amount of dollars, which would make Snap ultra competitive to them.
Austin Sandmeyer
@kostgx @chrismessina Well yes, it feels like that is ALL it is doing. Chopping up the experience and throwing stuff at the wall, feels more like their strategy.
Pedro Torres-Mackie
@kostgx @as_austin @chrismessina IMHO all this does is show everyone (including equity analysts) how scared FB is of SNAP, which will probably have the opposite effect and bump UP their ipo price
How do I report a product?
Binoy Xavier Joy
@tobiasnaftali I guess you can have a quick chat with the PH team from the chat bubble towards your right (on web).
Jack Smith
@tobiasnaftali report for what?
Adithya Shreshti
@tobiasnaftali If you are using PH on Desk/Laptop - see the 'Flag' option on the right. But why would you want to report it?
Rick Chen
@tobiasnaftali true, when giants start coping smaller companies, innovation is at risk. Fb, just stop.
Sorin Olaru
They already tried this a few times before. I remember trying out Slingshot - http://www.recode.net/2016/11/8/...
Veronica Belmont
I thought Instagram was Snapchat by Facebook?
Brandon Giesing
@veronica Facebook has multiple apps that all use the exact same code for this. Instagram was first with Stories and then Facebook used the same code (or at least UI) to add it to Messenger as Messenger Day and now as a separate app as Flash.
Veronica Belmont
@bgiesing39 I'm mentally exhausted.
Aggelos Gesoulis
Facebook is still doing that? Even Snapchat says that it's a camera company now...
Melissa Monte
A Snapchat clone by Facebook and it's only for android? Launch fail.
Michael Henry
First Poke, then Slingshot, and now this?
Taylor Nikolai
Snapchat by Facebook
Sam Legge
Shameless copy...but for markets with worse phones/connectivity
Shashwat Pradhan
Wow even the UI/UX looks same
Lachlan Campbell
The last screenshot on the US Play Store is in Spanish 😬
Facebook could not have made it look any more like Snapchat. It's a replica.
Min Park
Facebook is still at it!
Del Williams
It's not available in the USA
Dude, Facebook has so many apps on Android!
I knew this was coming. Haha.