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Jonathan Speek
Spacegrid CSS — A basic, responsive grid layout.

Spacegrid CSS is a basic, responsive grid layout to help you get started on your next project. In just over 1kb, Spacegrid lets you hit the ground running while allowing you to customize layout options down the road.

I know everybody in here so far is all about "flexbox"... but for a 1.1k min css... This is fantastic... super minimal and I like it. Thanks!
Paul Prins
It works but its kind of a bummer you aren't using flexbox. It makes a lot of things a lot easier.
André Luís
@paulprins I totally disagree. For basic layout structure, floats is still the most reliable mechanism, specially with box-sizing: border-box; Flexbox adds a lot of unnecessary behaviour/rules that you'll have to fight against.
Yarmo Mackenbach
I'm actually happy to see this! FlexBox is a trend and great for linear layouts, but should be avoided for grids.
André J
Nice logo👌
Jonathan Speek
Spacegrid is an open-source, no-frills responsive grid layout to help you get started on your next project. Features quick installs via NPM, Bower, and a Ruby Gem. The grid is easily adaptable and simple to add to.
Abhishek Biswal
I was expecting a flexbox grid. It's 2017, and it's tiresome to use %-ages to define margins.
Nguyen Trung Hieu
Good job! but I think you should follow flexbox because it will be the trend and easy to use for webapp
Aminadav Glickshtein
Hi. Just started the project on GitHub! I think you should add a browser compatibility section of your README. md file. Almost any browser framework had this section.