Hey Hunters!
This is Jinu, the CEO of LINER.
Finally, LINER for Firefox is here!
"LINER" helps you highlight the web!
Highlight your favorite text on news articles, blog posts, and PDF files.
All your highlights are automatically saved on your desktop and mobile.
You can also share highlighted web pages with others.
Please let me know if you have any questions :)
I'll personally reply to all your questions!
Happy Highlighting~
@jinukim21 Just a thought on somethings that would make Liner even more powerful:
- the ability to add our own comments when we have saved it - for example I may want to save an article but want to remember something that I want to reference for example if speaking about the article in my live stream - something that was not referenced in the article and therefore I could not highlight
- if Liner created a visual card when shared to Twitter and Facebook/Pinterest/GooglePlus so that people can understand what is being shared and can then click through to read the rest of the article
@krishnade Thank you for your great ideas, we'll try to implement it in a good way.
I personally would also like adding comments to the article itself or adding comments to the group of articles as well. We're digging it deep so you'll be able to see this feature in the future :)
And also, we're trying to make the open graph image of the shared web page with highlights in a gif format which will let people know what they'll see before they actually visit the page. It'll be awsome so please look forward to it!
@jinukim21 They sound like great updates - looking forward to checking them out - a few other things:
- having found your blog today I noticed that the link on your post about you being here on PH goes to the wrong link - it is linking to your Pocket release https://medium.com/highlight/lin...
- it would be great if you could have the logout directly accessible from the right hand menu - not on the settings menu as that is not so easy to find
- When I have been highlighting in FF and then I refresh my browser when on your app I keep getting a reminder to say I need to download the plugin - sometimes that is the popup and sometimes the animation in the right hand side - and I am still logged in on the site
- the PDF beta - how does that work - is there a limit on the number of pdfs and their size?
Loving the FF update - I can see lots of opportunities to use it
- Thanks for pointing out our mistake!
- We'll definitely re-consider about 'log out' button.
- Sorry for any inconvenience. I'll check the issue and fix it ASAP.
- You can upload PDF files and highlight it. Size limit is 500MB per 1 PDF file and there is no limit on the number of files.
If you have any other questions or problems, please feel free to let me know.
Great to see you launch Liner for Firefox - I've had the iOS app for some time.
Is there a way to change the colour of the highlighter on desktop in Firefox? Thanks
@krishnade Actually, the 'more color' feature is one of our premium feature inside the service. After subscribing or inviting friends, you'll be able to use the premium features :)
And by the way, our iOS app provides a free trial of premium features. So please do try using it on your iPhone or iPad!
@jinukim21 Thanks - yes I had your app on my phone first and could see the colours there - I could see there were access to free trial of premium features but there is no description in the app of what the free features are so I had not realised until I went to the web app that there were a number - you might want to have an in app page about the benefits of free features and also that you have your new FF plugin - just a thought!
Oh and one more thing.
Firefox browser is the second largest desktop browser in the world and with LINER for Firefox, now we're able to support over 80% of people who uses internet on their desktop devices.
But for mobile devices, currently we're only supporting iOS. So our next stop seems to be LINER for Android 👌. Stay tuned!
We've been working on this 'Web Highlighter' project for around 2 years now and it's been a really exciting journey.
Our goal is not only to build a useful productivity tool but to build an internet that's restructured by actual 'people'.
While Google's search result is an 'internet' that has been structured by bots and algorithms, in the future, LINER can restructure that 'internet' and filter the stuff that people actually found useful.
So please do look forward to the future of LINER! 👍
Hey @jinukim21! I discovered your extension a few days ago. Great idea! However, it seems it's been taken off of Firefox. Are you planning to bring it back? I was really looking forward to using it.