Nathan Baschez

Cloud Functions for Firebase - Run your mobile backend code without managing servers


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Brendan G. Lim
(Cloud Functions for Firebase PM here) We’ve been developing this product for years, and we’ve had it in private alpha testing for well over a year, so we’re incredibly excited to finally take the wrappings off and let all of you try it. Firebase has always focused on empowering you all to build extraordinary experiences for your users, without needing to worry about building common infrastructure. While we’ve made big strides towards this vision in the past, we always had one big hole: trusted code execution. Today, we’re completing the story with Cloud Functions for Firebase so that you can easily run server-side code in response to events from your Firebase app. We think you’re going to love it, and we can’t wait to see what you build with it!
Steven Rueter
@ok thank you!
Martin Otyeka
@ok So like could an app like snapchat have been built soley on firebase? We know they use App Engine but with Cloud Functions, could they reach their current scale & most if not all their capability with just Firebase?
Yarmo Mackenbach
Bam, server side scripting now possible in Firebase! Now, literally anything is possible without leaving their service!
Jeff Fedor
been using it as part of the preview. If you thought Firebase was a gamechanger (and it is) wait to you see how well Firebase Cloud Functions can sew together Google Cloud services, react to events in the Firebase DB etc..
David West
Epic - time to ditch the server 😀 I hope the documentation is as good as the rest of Firebase's. Looking forward to seeing some demos on their YouTube channel too - for a front-end noob to pick-up and start tinkering!
Ross Waycaster
YES!! I've been wanting this forever! Congrats to Firebase & Google!
Kunal Bhatia
I'm in love with 🔥base. This is awesome. Can't wait to start moving server-side code here.
Jobsamuel Núñez
I can't wait to terminate my server and go serverless!!! THANKS FIREBASE!!!
Eric Lee
Was thinking if there was a counterpart of Parse cloud function and there it is!
Nitin Muthyala
This is just awesome... I was building a node server to implement push notifications for firebase. Now that this is out, Im gonna move to cloud functions. Saved me a ton of time. ( And even money hosting ?) Anyway, pls pls pls don't bail on us like "Parse". I don't mind even paying an extra to keep it alive.
David Sharek
What a great time to be using Firebase. This gives me the feels.
Been an Alpha User for some time. Seamless integration with Firebase database and storage triggers. Another great reason to make the switch to firebase.
Moin Uddin
YESSSSS.. Finally guys. Love Firebase.
Waiting for this for a long time
Jason Theophilus Cornwall
I'm seriously looking forward to digging in and getting my hands dirty with this. Should make the back-end much more accessible to us front-enders :)
Bill Stathopoulos
Super useful! :D
Christian Montoya
Awesome. I'm going to be doing my first Firebase integration next week, so excited :)
Hemal Ruparelia
YESSSS!!! Been messing around with Amazon Lambda and Azure functions and deploying entire node servers just in order to integrate with Twilio and the rest with Firebase. Awesome!
Tim Shim
Built our app, Wander, an IRC-like chat app, 100% with Firebase. We've been using Firebase Queue to get server scripting abilities. Can't wait to migrate to using Cloud Functions instead, just waiting for the (awesome) team at Firebase to iron out any teething beta-related issues. If only Realm made their server-side scripting available for free (or much less than the $1.5k/mo they're asking for Enterprise). That would give Firebase a run for their money.
Difan Lin
Firebase is an awesome BaaS Product! I've used it for several of my projects and I would recommend it to anyone who doesn't want to spend too much time on Backend programming!