
Discover Wow Mac Apps - Discover your next "Wow" App on macOS, for 100% Free.


There are some productivity apps on macOS that make you say "Wow!", we'll help you find them. We conduct in-depth testing of user-submitted products and periodically release newsletters. Interested in listening? Join us! It is 100% free.

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你们好 (Which means "Hi" in Chinese) Product Hunters 😻 This is my first launch, I'm very excited about it! ❓What are we doing? While producthunt is great for discovering new products, I've found it challenging to come across apps that truly make us exclaim "wow". That's why I've taken the initiative to create Fndx, a newsletter where I share the best apps I've personally discovered through in-depth exploration. These apps are submitted by users, and we curate 1-3 top recommendations for each topic. 👋 What can you get? If you're interested, feel free to email us with your product recommendations. Alternatively, you can subscribe to our newsletter to stay up-to-date with our latest findings! ▶️ Next Topic: Our next topic is screen recording tools. Contributions are welcome🎉. Appreciate you. Here's to good luck for all 🎉 Fndx Team