Prabhu Benjamin

Find-a-Friend - Your best bet to finding long-lost friends.


When all of the internet and social-media sites haven't yielded any result, Find-a-friend still offers hope.

Find-a-friend is an offline search tool . It's easy and fun. And it's free .

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Prabhu Benjamin
You are right @Basharath; You must be registered here 'to find' or 'to be found'. And, this place will be helpful when other social media platforms have yielded no results or you cannot find the digital presence of your 'lost friend' anywhere else. Here, you place your search request and hope and wait for 'that' friend to find his way to this place. This is the reason, I am calling it 'offline'. The results could take time. But, if he or she is already registered here, then you can find him/her real-time and jump into action right away.
@prabhu_benjamin Thanks for answering my question. I just wanted to highlight few things in your idea. Tell me how popular or well known Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc through out the world? Very much those are known to almost everyone even the most remote places. So if somebody misses to register there, how come would they be able to find out your app by any means and register to be found. You can think of the probability. If you are planning to hugely market your app then I can think of some probability. No means to discourage you, your idea is superb but the working of it seems to be hugely limited as per my thoughts if you think people to register and wait until the other people joins it.
Prabhu Benjamin
@basharath Again, you are absolutely right. Look at it this way... when everything else has failed, Find-a-friend still offers hope. Yes, needs to be popular and there is a waiting time. You have nothing to lose. Who knows, you could get lucky and find your long-lost friends someday.
Divyansh Malhotra
This is great!
Prabhu Benjamin
@divyanshmal Thank you Divyansh
Prabhu Benjamin
We cross paths or get acquainted with so many good people in our different life-stages but unfortunately it is hard to remain connected with 'em all. We loose all contact with many. And as life rolls on, and when we have a desire to re-connect or find them, we may only draw a blank. In-spite of so many technological advances - the internet and all of the social-media sites, this is the reality. This website will help you re-connect with your long-lost friends again. It's easy, fun and free. Above all, it is secure and cares for your privacy.
The idea good. But finding of lost friends can happen through this site only when they join this and joining this site is most unlikely thing. Searching for the people through different social media or other platforms could yield some results. But you say this is going to be an offline tool, so how can it even solve the problem that it states?
Prabhu Benjamin
We all have connects who may have disappeared from our radar as time and years rolled by. No digital footprints anywhere. The numbers may not be high, but I am assuming each one has at-least a couple of long lost friends. Find-a-friend is an exclusive service to find such people. It does not guarantee, but it is certainly an great option. You have nothing to lose.
Prabhu Benjamin
I wish there were more reviews here!
Prabhu Benjamin
Highlighting some key features... POWER OF AUTOMATED SEARCH An automated Search routine runs # times daily. This is an amazing feature! With it, you make a search request and don't even have to bother to come back looking for matches. When matches are found, emails are triggered to the finder and the corresponding match.
Prabhu Benjamin
DISENGAGE ANYTIME You can always disengage from a relationship that appears to be a case of mistaken identity. We would like to assure you that no personal details will be shared with the other person.
Prabhu Benjamin
CLEAR CALLS-TO-ACTION Helps you to know what you are supposed to do right from the time you intend to create a search request until you establish the connect.
Prabhu Benjamin
PROGRESS MAP To help you visualize the progress made thus far and how close you are to being connected, we have created this handy Progress Map. You can see exactly where you stand in the process and what still needs to be done. We want to ensure that you are connected with your match as soon as possible!
Prabhu Benjamin
CONTACT DETAILS: SAFE AND SECURE! Contact details shared only after due processes are complete and after mutual consent. This way, it protects both individuals from being spammed or harassed by the other person. By taking things slow and ensuring mutual consent, both parties can feel safe and comfortable with one another.