Get started faster, find what you’re looking for, and stay in the flow—with AI tools build for your workflows. Sign up for free today and harness the power of Figma AI.
The fields of design and development are changing so fast thanks to AI... being a full stack designer/developer is going to need a new name, given how blended these roles are becoming.
Who attended Config? Any report backs?
@chrismessina I think Figma is going to certainly out pace Adobe if they have not already. I like that they came out with slides. Adobe already had that feature with creating pdfs. If you organized your artboards in a certain way then the export to pdf would match your export. Figma just created that. it's nice. bc it is important to be able to control that.
These are indeed exciting times to be a designer!
The ability to leverage AI directly within Figma opens exciting new possibilities. AI-powered rapid prototyping is going to be a huge time-saver, allowing us to focus more on strategic UX rather than just UI.
Oh no. First thing I though I dreamed it.
Good that it launched so it doesn't get away on my launch.
It will be like a band for band thing.
Congrats to the team.
I watched Config live, and it was incredible! I can hardly believe what I saw. You've made designing and developing an app super easy. Now, you guys are taking another huge step forward. Keep it up!!
This solves the exact problem I was facing a few months ago. Building out the basic flow of a new product is very tedious and having this unblock my OCD decision making is a great productivity unlock.
Figma is becoming a significant presence in the creative industry. I am confident that the integration of AI into Figma will transform workflows, enhancing speed and efficiency, and ultimately elevating creativity and productivity. It is only a matter of time before it becomes a strong rthreat to Adobe.
Astonishing! I have been expecting something like this from Figma and now it's here. I believe, this will be a game-changer when you are short in time. Congratulations!
Looking forward to using this. Excited to starting projects faster within my workflows. I'm really curious however where all this is leading and excited for the future. Congrats Figma team!
All of this is certainly great, but Product Hunt has always been an excellent place for young startups and independent developers who want to present their innovative ideas and projects. It’s wonderful that here you can meet enthusiasts and professionals ready to support and provide constructive feedback.
However, when projects not directly related to companies and products, especially those of large corporations, are posted, it seems like a different matter. It’s a great PR move for the authors of such posts, but it harms the community. These posts reduce and devalue the attention given to projects that have been preparing for launch for weeks or even months.
Of course, people can have fun as they wish, but why not use Twitter or Reddit for this, and not distract from the projects that truly belong on Product Hunt?
I really hope that Product Hunt remains a place for unique and independent projects that can get the deserved attention and support, and not just a platform for gathering likes for one’s karma.