Peter T. Brown

Fetching for Mac - The personal search engine of all the webpages you've seen


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Hiten Shah
"My own personal Google." This is awesome. I will be using this multiple times a day.
Peter T. Brown
@hnshah Can I quote you on that? ;)
Ryan Hoover
I've definitely had that challenge of remembering "that thing I saw on the Internet that one time." This is a nice solution, although I wonder if a persistent Chrome/browser extension would be better (simply click an icon in the top right to begin typing). It feels "heavy" to download and run a Mac app for this specific use case. Of course there are pros and cons to both, but curious why you went this direction, @flippyhead.
Peter T. Brown
@rrhoover yeah, it's a total pain. Once you've got everything indexed a lot of other aspects improve. For example, you can do a bunch of browsing or research, then simply return to Fetching to quickly favorite or tag sites after the fact. It is a simple shift but is surprisingly powerful. To your question about Chrome: we looked into this. There is actually an extension or two that attempt to solve this. Our challenge was building something sophisticated enough to really get the job done. Fetching uses state of the art search technology that simply cannot be used within the confines of a extension. All the stuff that goes into natural language process, and being very fast on large datasets -- these are not trivial problems.
Isaac Rosenberg
@rrhoover @flippyhead Could you have done something with a server, where you upload the history via chrome extension and then search through?
Peter T. Brown
@rrhoover @irosenb This is exactly how Cloud works. In all cases there is a Chrome (and Safari) extension tracking your browsing -- it's just a matter of where it is stored. The Native Mac version we built because tons of people requested a version that would store their browsing data locally only. But the Cloud version is very popular because you can use it from anywhere, search from your phone etc.
Clark Wimberly
Gretchen, stop trying to make fetch happen! It's not going to happen! (looks nice, downloading now...)
Peter T. Brown
Author here, we hope you enjoy the newly out of beta Mac version of Fetching. It's our hope that using Fetching you'll never lose a website again! We build the OS X version because tons of people were concerned about the privacy of their search index. Now everything is local!
Peter T. Brown
That's right. But since you asked, for the first 10 product hunters to use it here's a coupon for 30% off! Just enter the coupon code: fetching-ph12. Happy fetching!
Dan Moore
@flippyhead first 10? :( no love for the weekly hunter.
Zeb Dropkin
I like the concept! It looks like $40 / year for the cloud version and $30 / year for this native mac version Is that right?
Jon Pierce
I've been using Fetching for Mac for the past month. I love it. It's a concept that friends and I have toyed with building in the past, but Peter actually did it, and did it well. Super useful. So far, my only concern is how large the index will grow on disk over time, as just over three weeks in, ~/Library/Application Support/Fetching is now at 413MB. But the process itself has been seamless and uses hardly any resources. And as someone who's (selectively) privacy conscious (hi Google!), having a native option is a huge win. Subscription purchased. Looking forward to continued improvements!
Peter T. Brown
@jonpierce Hey Jon! I can't tell you how gratifying it is to hear this sort of thing. Thank you so much! At the moment the index is optimized for future improve-ability. Namely, locally the HTML of the body portion of your sites is stored in the search index so that in the future as we discover important improvements to the index structure you can get the benefits retroactively. Once things settle, and possibly as a configurable option, this can be removed which will dramatically reduce the size of your index. Also, to some extend the search index is pre-allocated so you're seeing disk usage that hasn't actually been used yet. In any case, this is something we'll definitely be addressing and I'm confident there's improvements to be made.
Rob Isaacs
Love the idea, can't wait to give it a go - was only last week when I was chatting w/ my flat mate about how needed something like this was. Saving things to Pocket, bookmarking etc.. it just doesn't seem to solve this particular problem.
Robin Good
Excellent solution. The option to save a screenshot with it, should be considered, as we can recognize and identify web sites in a fraction of the time visually rather than by text only. P.S.: I had to restart my Mac and browser altogether to make it work initially, but now it runs like the wind.
Using History Timeline ext. on Chrome. It is lightweight. Will try Fetching as it seems a bit different use case.
Stowe Boyd
I can't get it to work. Server errors. Doesn't create an index, tells me endlessly to install the extension. I want it to work.
Peter T. Brown
@stoweboyd sorry for the trouble and thanks for reaching out. I'm glad we got things sorted for you!