Abhishek Kankani

That's What You Said! - Zoom-ing into Teams' Meet-ing issues 😅

Laugh, cry, and nod along as you scroll through these rants about today's meeting tools. A case for why you need a better meeting tool —something more than a cluttered UI with subpar AI integrations, but more importantly, one that breaks the context silos!

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Abhishek Kankani
Virtual meetings are part of our daily work schedule, yet they’re also one of the most exhausting activities. Besides the obvious - boring UI/UX, untimely updates, a pain to integrate, and subpar AI-integrations, there’s another major problem - meeting tools work in silos! The entire experience is disconnected from the rest of our “work tools!” The problem seemed clear; however, given the inaction of most video conferencing platforms, we decided to validate our hypothesis—whether people actually hate the experience or if it was just us. We quickly put together a Notion Page with embedded posts from X (Twitter), Threads, and Reddit. Over time, this became a massive collection we dubbed “That’s What You Said!” and today, we’re here to launch the collection on Product Hunt! I hope you enjoy our fun project and share your thoughts on the topic below. P.S.: If you share a mutual dislike of the existing tools, check out the Video Calling App (yes, we YOLOed the name)—it’s an AI-native video conferencing tool that automates the end-to-end meeting workflow and maintains relevant context. Also, it’s a modern UI/UX, the kind you’d expect in 2024! Looking forward to seeing you on the other side.
Joseph Abraham
@abhishek_kankani Hats off to the team! Wishing you a bright and successful journey ahead. What has been the biggest surprise during development?
Abhishek Kankani
@kjosephabraham thanks for the wishes! We were shocked by how much people out there are frustrated with the “gold standard” tools!
Abhishek Kankani
@max_savonin1 those are some really good insights! As mentioned, we’re working on something along these lines and I’d love to explore any opportunities of partnering together 😄
Sachin Jain
@abhishek_kankani This sounds so fun! I couldn't stop laughing when I read the tweet about updating your Zoom before joining the meeting.
Abhishek Kankani
@sachinjain024 Ikr! That's one of the most frustrating moments - Zoom deciding to update right before an important meeting 🤭
Madhu Balakrishna
💎 Pixel perfection
Ha Ha... I am going to bookmark this. This collection sounds like a greatest hits album of workplace frustrations. May your connection always be stable, your background always professional, and your cat never decide to showcase its posterior during your important presentation. Excellent way to end week with a launch @abhishek_kankani, @prasad_lingawar3 and @akigugale!
Lol, thanks @madospace! This is got to be one of the best comments we've received today. We are going to bookmark this to read on one of the days we are feeling low :') Those meeting wishes are pure gold – especially the cat bit! 😂 Thanks for the launch day boost. Couldn't ask for a better way to kick off the weekend.
Abhishek Kankani
@madospace 😂😂
Prasad Lingawar
Man, this is hilarious. I can relate to all these people. Personally, I am not a big fan of Zoom, at least not for users who are not so frequent. Whenever you open it, it starts updating. Also, it is not great for the people who join meetings half a meeting before.
@prasad_lingawar3 exactly, we've captured some hilarious rants along these lines XD
Tony Han
Honestly, I love this because the content of the landing page has lots of potential to create some kind of virality. I don't know how much it helps people understand what the video calling app does (and honestly that's a very generic name for ppl to remember/search/SEO later). I realized that I had to click on the logo to learn more about the app, I think you need more "learn more" CTAs rather than "join the waitlist" because people have yet to learn what the product does. Just a thought! BUT, big props for whoever came up this idea! I think a lot of ppl agree that the video calling apps need some help - I'm surprised how many AI tools are out there but very few first party tools that help streamline things. Congrats on the launch @abhishek_kankani and team!
Prasad Lingawar
@abhishek_kankani @tonyhanded thank you for the nice words. It means a lot when you are building up something from scratch. I agree with your feedback that they don't have enough context to convert and we will surely take this up and update the page. Thanks for checking us out and sharing your honest comments.
Abhishek Kankani
@tonyhanded thanks a lot for the kind works! Also feedback noted 😄
David Neira
Congrats on the launch 🎉🎉 I cried with laughter 😂😂😂
@chape We are so glad! that's exactly what our goal was :) PS: your comment just bought a flood of smiles within our team :')
Abhishek Kankani
@chape 😂😂
Oh wow, @abhishek_kankani! This is such a relatable take on meeting tools—totally feel you on the UI/UX struggles and the silos. Love how you created that Notion Page to gather everyone's rants; that's super clever! Can't wait to check out your AI-native video calling app; it sounds like a game changer for virtual meetings. Also, props for addressing the real issues we face daily. Let's make meetings fun again!
@blankwebdev - Hey, super glad you liked it. This was one of the fastest way for us to validate our hypothesis. PS: more than fun, our goal is to make meeting more functional and intuitive. Hope you'll like it. Cheers :)
Divesh Sood
Truly a YOLO name but love it haha. Can't wait the actual release!
@sooddvs Haha, we have some interesting choices. Inside scoop, we've finished this name 10 hours before the launch XD
Prathamesh Dembla
Super Product @abhishek_kankani
Hey @pratham_dembla, so glad you like our fun project :)
Abhishek Kankani
@pratham_dembla thank you! 😄
Harsh Tomar
Genius marketing!! 👏🔥
@harshtomar6 Haha, yay! Gonna screenshot this to add it on our brag book :D
Congratulations on the launch of your new meeting tool! 🎉 For someone who frequently joins meetings late or has to switch devices, how does your tool ensure a smooth experience compared to others like Zoom?
Thanks @jane0621, for starters - Zero surprise updates when you're in a rush. Plus, you get the relevant context be it in terms of meeting recaps, pre-meeting reminders/prep, post meeting summaries, updating action items, etc. Also, it has a way smoother UI/UX compared to the traditional tools, the kind you'd expect in 2024! Would be happy to give you a walkthrough :)
Ohans Emmanuel (remention.ai)
Brilliantly done waitlist/landing page!
Ohans Emmanuel (remention.ai)
BTW, entering my email and trying to submit doesn't work. I get the error "Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form."
Prasad Lingawar
@ohansemmanuel hey sorry for that. We are looking into this.
Prasad Lingawar
@ohansemmanuel hey can you try one more time?
Ohans Emmanuel (remention.ai)
@prasad_lingawar1 Works now, thanks! A button loading state would be great too - cos right now, you get no visible reaction on submit (till it's eventually done) Thanks for the fix!
Pavel Bocharov
🤣 this made my day! Thank you for the launch and kudos to the team! Upvoted!
You comment made our day too @pavel_bocharov :') This was one of our out-of-the-box ideas, and we are glad to know it made you smile :)
Evgeniya Listopadova
Firstly, I'm giggling and kicking my feet just thinking about how cute the product's name is. I'm not the only one who see The Office reference, right? Secondly, what a great idea! Congrats on your launch!
@listopadova haha, this comment just made my day! Thanks for supporting the launch :) And, yup, we are all 'The Office' geeks here 😉
Abhishek Kankani
hahaha we’re so glad you enjoyed this @listopadova 😄
Heema Shah
Brilliant! Love this.
@heemashah Yay! This just made my day :') Soo glad to know you liked it.
Arushi Pandey
Kudos to your team for making this fun product!
Hey @arushi_pandey2, so glad you liked it :)
Jayesh Gohel
Hey @abhishek_kankani This product name is funny and catchy. The description is clear. It says the product is a book or article about how bad meeting tools are now. It promises to make you laugh, cry, and agree while showing why you need a better tool.
@jpgohil93 haha, thanks. It took us a bunch of iterations to agree on the name. We legit decided on 'That's what you said' 11 hours before the launch. Glad you liked it, and thanks again for supporting the launch :)
Toshit Garg
Congratulations on launch of That's What you Said....
@toshit_garg Hey Toshit, thanks so much for supporting the launch :)
Looks interesting, could videocalling be a zoom replacement?
Abhishek Kankani
@bonvisions yup! We’re currently in closed beta with it and if you’d like to join in, please sign up on the waitlist here - https://videocalling.app 😄
@bonvisions Hey Bon, yes, that's the goal. We want to be to Zoom, what Linear is to Jira 😉
Viraj P
I love the idea of reading voice messages. How does That's What You Said handle different accents or background noise?
@virajpatel Thanks for supporting the launch Viraj. To clarify we aren't reading messages, however with the Video Calling App we use our native AI to handle different accents - and we are continuously optimising it for accents and languages, and the noise cancellation is built into the meetings. 'That's what you said' is the 'Why?' behind the Video Calling App that we are building. We'd be happy to have you as a beta users so you can try it out yourself :)
Sahir Maharaj
Just tried this app and wow, the user interface is absolutely stunning! The colors pop in just the right way, making the overall experience very pleasing. It performs seamlessly on my device, @abhishek_kankani