Brad Feld

Felt for iPhone - Handwritten cards for the modern world

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Brad Feld
Sending a handwritten card feels so labor intensive but receiving one is awesome so I love that Felt is making it easier to send them. I think the new iPhone app is great. Handwriting on your phone takes some getting used to, but the app let's you zoom-in and then the it moves the card as you write (like a typewriter). It's pretty easy to get the hang ofl. (Disclosure: FG Angels invested in Felt late last year. We had watched them since 2013 and are excited to help them bring back the handwritten card.)
Tomer Alpert
@bfeld Thanks for hunting us, Brad. We couldn't be more excited about the launch and our partnership. #GreatInvestorsGiveMoreThan$$$
Tomer Alpert
After the Holidays we all have so many people to thank. For all the presents, parties, stuffing and yuletide cheer. But when was the last time you sent a real thank you note, in the actual mail? That’s why we’re kicking off 2016 by launching our new app and what we’re calling Thank You Season. To celebrate, we’re letting everyone in the world write and mail a free handwritten thank you note. Yep. That’s a lot of thank you’s! With the new Felt app for iPhone, we’ve completely re-imagined old-school mail for the mobile world. There’s never been an easier, more fun way to send a quick handwritten thank you note. For the last three years we’ve been perfecting the handwriting experience, so you can write and mail a beautiful handwritten card using just your finger–all from your iPhone. We hope you’ll give it a try and really put it to the test. We are on a mission to help people be the truly thoughtful, human people that they really are. So, for the whole month of January we’re inviting you and all the other awesome humans on the planet to send a handwritten Thank You card, anywhere in the world. This one is on us. Just download Felt, craft your card, hand-address your envelope and we'll take care of the rest. Sealed, stamped and mailed--All from your iPhone. Behind Felt is the belief that being thoughtful, and connecting, makes us happier. And more at peace. We're pumped to be here today, sharing what we've been working on for the past year. Thank you for supporting us and helping us spread the love. Every bit of love helps. Happy Thank You Season.
Ryan Negri
@tomerlikehomer Great idea. The hand-written card will never go obsolete. Question: Are they mailed from your office location or do you have printers/writers all over the country so that the letter is postmarked by a post office near the sender? I have atrocious handwriting - do you have people to write these for those like me?
Tomer Alpert
@ryannegri @tomerlikehomer Hi Ryan - That's a fun idea. I think there are apps out there that allow you to type and crowd source the actual handwriting. With Felt, it's actual you writing. The app lets you zoom-in on the paper making writing easier. Plus you can type your message in the app and then trace the letters, if that helps.
Rae Hamilton
I'm so excited for Felt! I'm leaving for an international trip this week and my mom doesn't use email, social media, or even texting to get updates on my trip. I'm excited to send her a card a day with a custom photo, it's like an old fashioned instagram feed for her! I love this.
Tomer Alpert
@designsellout That might be the best thing I've ever heard. Sharing with the team now. #Meaningful #ThanksForSharing
Rae Hamilton
@tomerlikehomer @designsellout Thank YOU! I really thought we'd have to go 10 days without her hearing about my adventures.
Tomer Alpert
@designsellout Not no more :) And we mail from within the U.S. So she wont' have it postmarked from abroad, but she'll receive it quick.
Abdul Wahid
Kool its just remind me of movie "her"
Yuri Kleban
@color2life -- my thoughts exactly. @tomerlikehomer -- do you plan to provide a service that also chooses what to write based on the subject? (like in the movie). I know a lot of lazy people who would love that... :)
Ben Tossell
My dad once hand-wrote a letter to an entrepreneur that was on Dragons Den (UK Shark Tank) and the founder picked him specifically because he was the only one to do this. I wonder if handwritten via iPhone will have the same desired effect :)
Tomer Alpert
@bentossell That's awesome! People have told us that they sent their mom a card for Mother's Day and then called her to tell her about the app and she couldn't understand what an app had to do with it because the card felt so genuinely handwritten. Send one and see. It's on us through January.
Anne Balduzzi
When you consider the time and effort spent searching for the perfect greeting card with the perfect message, then stumbling for a pen, stamp (harder if if you don't have a nearby "forever" stamp) and address, this could be a huge timesaver. Plus, the receiver has something sitting out to remember you for more than the few seconds they would normally remember cruising past a thank you e-mail.
Tomer Alpert
@balduzzi Hi Anne - For my birthday this year, my wife had all my friends send me Felt cards. Opening each one was so awesome. Check it out
Owen Bossola
I always admired people who had time to send handwritten notes on thoughtful cards. Making it easy to create this level of a personal connection is well worth $3/card.
Tomer Alpert
@owenbossola Heck yes it is :) And.... it's only $2.20 when you buy Felt Credits (available in the app). Breakdown: Square envelopes are $0.70 of postage so it's only $1.50 for the card, envelope and our helpful team who will mail it for you. Dang!
Tomer Alpert
In memory of David Bowie. Sometimes, the best gifts are the people that touch our lives. To honor the loss of one of the greatest visionaries of our time, Felt would like to thank David Bowie. We designed a FREE special “Rock On” card with the iconic lightning bolt from his stellar Aladdin Sane album. He was able to take an entire industry and change it for the better. It wasn't just his music that touched the lives of many. The man saw and lived his life as a work of art itself. Even in memory, he will continue to inspire the lives of millions for generations to come. Please help us thank him the best way we know how, by telling a loved one to Rock On. #ripDavidBowie
I think the execution looks marvelous. I guess I will ask the question you've already heard a few times. How much of the value of a handwritten card is that the recipient knows that someone took the time to hand write it and mail it? Is there an inherent tension between the easier you make it the less value it has vs digital mediums? Or are you betting the experience of physically holding the note is where much of the value is?
Tomer Alpert
@justinbenson Hi Justin. Yeah; Opening your mailbox and finding a card from a freind is wonderful. Then opening the card and seeing photos and a handwritten message in your friends' own penmanship is the magic moment. That's what makes you keep the card forever. And in Felt, you actually handwrite the note. It's not a font. It's totally freeform.
Angel Botto
I love this idea!!! I have similar idea but this its amazing. congrats! upvote
Tomer Alpert
@vozconciente Thanks for the upvote! Good luck with your idea. Let me know if you think we can help.
Dre Durr💡
If I could use this to send wedding invitations. It could be my 2016 App off the Year🚀
Tomer Alpert
@dredurr Hey Deandre - We've had people make invitations using Felt. But we don't have a specific invitation product. That said, you can send a card to multiple people using the app. You're handwritten addresses are saved in the app, or you can copy and past an address. We'd love to send out your invitations, if you think the app works for ya.
Dre Durr💡
@tomerlikehomer I most certainly will be testing this out. Thank you for helping walk me through this process 😀
Jonathan Woolf
Cool idea, but seems fairly niche and as slick as this is, my perception as a consumer is this is just as much work as handwriting a card (which I hate doing). While the handwriting tool is cute, I feel like the more popular app here would be a typing option that translates typing into handwritten text. I use the infinitely less sleek but IMO more handy for my handwritten cards, which uses a human to write the card for me (don't tell my mom ;) ).
Tomer Alpert
@thejowo Hey Jonathan - Did you see the Drafts? The Drafts features allows you to save a card in progress so you can send it later. Drafts is also perfect if you’re sending lots of thank you cards or personalized holiday cards because you can simply re-personalize each card without having to re-write the same thing over and over again. Thoughts on that and having the card be in your penmanship?
Jonathan Woolf
@tomerlikehomer @thejowo Speaking for myself, I have bad penmanship (worse than most...that's another reason I use sent well) and don’t think I could even get close to replicating that with this app. I could see drafts as being useful for those willing to spend the time to learn the new input method. That said, I think the market of people who would like to type a handwritten card or take a picture of their own handwriting and have that on a card printed and sent would be larger than the number of people willing to go through the time/process of learning/fidgeting with a new input method. Think you guys are on to something but I don't believe the current input option (despite the slickness) is the way to go for most consumers.
Tomer Alpert
@thejowo Yeah; It's definitely not for everyone. And there will be new, future input methods for sure.
Ram Rayavarapu
Cool idea for a new generation with an affordable pricing. I will definitely try a purchase as a customer. I will return after it was delivered to expectation.
Tomer Alpert
@ram_rayavarapu The app is set to let everyone send a free card through January. I can't wait to hear what you think. Thanks for trying out the app. Happy Thank You season!
Corey Crossfield
This is a great product. Always writing my partner love notes on post its so I am sure she will now appreciate the upgrade to a nice card. Rock on Felt.
Tomer Alpert
@coreycrossfield It's so awesome to hear such amazing support. Thanks Corey!
Daylen Sawchuk
Love the concept! Any plans for a Windows (Phone) app for Felt through the iOS bridge (
Tomer Alpert
@askdaylen No plans as of yet. On the board though!
I love collecting things that are beautiful and printed. This makes it so easy and it ships internationally! Can't wait to try it. Now I have to make sure that my friends also know about this, so that I can also receive one ;)
Tomer Alpert
@zingbhavya I'd LOVE to hear what you think after trying the app. Each card starts at $3 but your first one's on us.
Chris Wilson
I've had the opportunity to use the iPad version of felt multiple times. It's a really great way for people who hate paper to send a personalized thank you note to your business contacts after a meeting. I haven't use the iphone version yet but I'm looking forward to it.
Tomer Alpert
@automateiq Hi Chris! Great to meet you. And so pumped to hear you like the app. Would you like a custom card? For personal or business use. Email
Nadia Yun
love it!!! My handwriting is horrible & always forget how to spell (thanks spellcheck). Saves me time & money .. All the ripped up cards #lifesaver
Tomer Alpert
@nadia_yun Hahaha. Saving Trees!
Tarik Kurspahic
It's a really nice idea. I agree -> writing cards sucks (especially in batch mode), but receiving is really nice :) I have noticed in uptick in products that try to bridge the gap between the digital & physical space like this lately. Nice job in any case.
Tomer Alpert
@tariktech Thank you Tarik. Dig your domain name. Check out drafts feature: The Drafts features allows you to save a card in progress so you can send it later. Drafts is also perfect if you’re sending lots of thank you cards or personalized holiday cards because you can simply re-personalize each card without having to re-write the same thing over and over again.
Alin - Catalin
Sending a handwritten postal card seems to be getting a bit of momentum. I think it's the third similar startup I've stumbled upon this week. Another one that I've found interesting was - and a bit cheaper I guess - 2 euros per postal card. Interesting to see if any of this startups can grow to become a real business - but definitely an interesting space to be in.