
Feelly 2.0 - Track feelings and mental health


Discover yourself with Feelly, your personal mood tracker. Capture emotions, find happiest place, and embrace mental wellness. It has emojis including happy, sad, love and more. Keep journaling and use the insights to help be aware of your own feelings.

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I think that merely recording and monitoring mood isn't sufficient for individuals to enhance their well-being. The real value lies in the insights gleaned from their recorded moods. With this concept in mind, I created this app, enabling users to log, observe, and understand the broader context of their emotions. This process aims to increase awareness of their mood patterns and promote mental health.
Nina Chan
@enterbaluzworld okay but how? How does it do this? And why is your product good at this?
Nick Yasynskyi
Good luck with this launch!
Prateek Kapoor
Congratulations on the launch! 🎉 Being able to track emotions, discover happiest moments, and journal sounds like exactly what one needs to maintain a healthy mindset. Great work!