Roman Shalimov

Fearless - A service that helps entrepreneurs to get feedback

We took ourselves up on a challenge of launching our own startup to show you how to create marketing for MVP check in just 1 day. Look what happened. 👀

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Roman Shalimov
Intro: “Sunny” is a creative agency specializing in startups. We took ourselves up on a challenge of launching our own startup to show you how to create marketing for MVP check in just 1 day. Our idea: A service that helps entrepreneurs all over the world to get high-quality feedback from professional experts in product development, design, marketing, and business consulting. An entrepreneur uses the service platform to share his website, idea of a startup, presentation for partners, or logo options - in other words, anything he wants to get feedback on. He sets a budget he feels comfortable with to reward the best answer to his question, or he may distribute this compensation between several people if he wants. -A professional expert earns money and practices his skills -An entrepreneur saves money, time, and energy, reducing uncertainty To be honest, I believe in this product because I myself am an entrepreneur and I know how high-quality feedback affects growth. If you are interested, then write and we will quickly design the service. +++
Roman Shalimov
@fares_aktouf Thank you, Fares 🔥
Roman Shalimov
@ankit_sparks thank you ;) Would you like to get quick, quality feedback on your work? What fears do you face? 👀