Milber Ferreira

Fast - Develop, build, deploy, and teardown frontend projects fast.

With so many frontend technologies available nowadays, sometimes it may feel a bit cumbersome to get started with a project. Using the Fast boilerplate, you can get started, develop, build, deploy, redeploy, and tear down frontend projects fast, really fast ⚡️

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Milber Ferreira
Hi ProductHunt 👋 With so many frontend technologies available nowadays, sometimes it can be overwhelming to choose the right stack of tools. Especially if you simply want to start building that product idea, landing page, or web-app you have in mind, but it's just too early to already commit to a library or framework. However, setting up automated builds, CSS pre, and post processors, code minification, JavaScript compilation, and all the scaffolding needed may become too challenging or too time-consuming for you to give it a try. Let alone architecting automated deployments. Let me introduce you to Fast, a minimalistic, modern, and super powerful open-source boilerplate for all sorts of frontend projects. Going from developing to building and deploying a production-ready web-app is now just a few scripts away. Let me know your thoughts, and feel free to contribute and share it. Thank you!
Ahmed Hany Almeligy
@milberferreira This is amazing, going to be testing in my future projects! Keep it up!
Milber Ferreira
@nullforest Thanks! Great to hear you find it useful.
Aayush Gupta
Looks useful -- any way to integrate with react to create a better create-react-app?
Milber Ferreira
@aayushtheg Great suggestion, next, I'll be working on a CLI version that integrates React or Vue into Fast.
Andy Beard
You might not think this is an issue but once Fast payments get massive traction even if you can somehow avoid any legal issues their API and discussions around it is going to totally dominate Google. Maybe a name change is in order?