Alexander Belousov

Fan chat: World Cup guide - Share your World Cup experience with other fans


In few words with that app you can get support and recommendations from english-speaken locals and other fans in realtime chats, sell and buy tickets, share your World Cup experiance and tips with other fans and don't lost in Russia during your trip with our fan's guide.

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Alexander Belousov
Often it happens that foreign fans need some help in solving their problems and issues related to travel and stay in Russia. But unfortunately, the realities of Russia are such that not every citizen in Russia speaks English in order to help to a foreign guest. We developed our application to solve this problem. In few words with that app you can get support and recommendations from english-speaken locals and other fans in realtime chats, sell and buy tickets, share your World Cup experiance and tips with other fans and don't lost in Russia during your trip. It works really simple. At first each user of the application selects the team that he represents. After that he can view messages on the map from other fans or pin his own. Chats are also available for each city of the World Cup 2018, where in realtime chat you can communicate with other fans and get support or discuss the matches. An offline guide is available in the application, which is designed to help you find answers to common questions even without the Internet and don't lost in Russia. For each country a separate chat is available so that the fan can communicate in own language.