Product Hunt

Famous - Be the biggest fan. Be #FamousAF.


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Ghost Kitty
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Niv Dror
@blader omg. I'm gonna be Famous AF with that code.
jetsKEY to Success
Major πŸ”‘ Alert: THEY don't want you to make it back onto the App Store. THEY don't want you to be Famous AF. Keep fighting young Chen. Business about to be BOOMIN πŸ’₯
Yonatan Ruback
@blader Is there an android version in the works?
Ghost Kitty
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Ghost Kitty
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Kevin William David
Nice. Downloading now! I love the appstore description :) "Basically ... So like you were on your Twitter and you were all like "omg notice me justin im ur biggest fan" and then he didn't and then you were all sad but then you found this Famous app and you can totally be his biggest fan here but no this other fan had to be the biggest fan and now you're like fighting over who's been the biggest fan longer and then you become the biggest fan again but no that other fan keeps on being the justin's biggest fan and you're like "what is this this app is stupid" but then you can't stop playing because you love justin so much and you already told him you're his biggest fan so. Basically."
Mounir Ahmina
@kwdinc Like it's written by an anon, the tweets too...
Anthony Franco
Very interesting choice to charge for invite codes. My initial thought was that this would stifle growth too much. So I'm guessing part of the game plan is for steady growth instead of viral?
Ghost Kitty
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Wesley Eames
@blader @anthony_franco I was selling my codes online so this makes it even easier for people to pay me so I can buy more codes. Really really smart!
Niv Dror
So excited for this launch πŸš€βš‘οΈπŸš€βš‘οΈ Last time was memorable, to say the least.
Ben Tossell
Uh oh... Here we go!
jetsKEY to Success
Chen how's business?
can anyone explain this app to me like i am 5?
Callan Christensen
@orliesaurus @Famous is Myspace "Top Friends" reborn for twitter, with the twist that only one person can be the top friend.
Launching soon!
@callan752 @orliesaurus @famous ELI5 - What's Myspace?
Stefan Theofilos
It's back!!!! I'm so excited to finally be FamousAF!
Brian Mulyadi
ugh.. bye productivity
Jeff Needles
So many πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™s.
Ghost Kitty
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Kai Burghardt
This is just crazy how fast you get outbidden.. just addicted after 15 mins of usage!
Launching soon!
Great writeup about the launch/history by @CaseyNewton on The Verge
Uhh plz.. #Glued
James Campbell
I don't get it
Maxim Ananov
I hate it!! It's pointless and addictive. Can't stop and I hope I will be over it soon 😾😾
Maxim Ananov
Yaay!! It glitched out and now nothing is loading and I have 0 points. I'm free. β˜ πŸ‘»
I'm glad to see you again guys!
Just downloaded.
James Brooks
One invite code for you all (because obviously I love you, and don't want to be famous at all...) YJAQM5