Practice your logo design skills
August van de Ven

FakeClients — Practice logo design using random generated client briefs


FakeClients is a website to help you practice logo design. Press start and a random design brief will be generated so you can practise your design skills using fake businesses

Thanks for hunting @augustvdven - what's the story behind your project?
August van de Ven
@abadesi When I started designing logos, I always struggled to build up a portfolio. It would also be hard to come up with ideas to practise on. I created the site so beginners can get experience in designing logos and working with clients using these random generated briefs from various types of businesses. Thanks for asking!
Alon Carmel
Does it come with a bot that keeps changing the requirements every day?
Ryan DiMascio
@aloncarmel Genius. Let's call him Rick. He sends you change requests labeled URGENT at 11PM on Saturday nights, uses the vaguest language possible, and only speaks in metaphors and parables.
Thiago de Carvalho
@aloncarmel "Can you please jazz it up a little bit? It needs the wow factor. Keep working on it, I'll know when it's good"
Pradeep Sharma
@aloncarmel Haha. And some integration of meditation practice to keep us calm.
Allison Grayce
@aloncarmel Yes! Curveballs should definitely be a feature. Plus what a great way to get users re-engaged. Or annoyed, either or.
Thomas Mester
The description of the business should always be present. BAD : Hey There, I'm Timika, I recently started a new business called Kifi. I am looking for someone that can design a professional logo for my bussiness. GOOD : Hello! I am Sadye, founder of FAC Delivery Service. We are looking for someone that can create a simple logo for our Delivery Service
Lindsay Bridges
This is simply awesome! There is such a need for more sites/apps geared toward offering ways for new designers to get some practice in, and experienced ones to keep sharp! The only thing missing is the client demanding an absurd amount of iterations. Great job!
Egor Smetanin

Show my colleagues this tool, they liked it


Just a funny tool


Not so far.

Sarah Mick
Consider connecting your bank account, so it deposits a sum, then slowly drains it from your account, taking you uncomfortably into the red.
Sarah Mick
Consider connecting your bank account, so it deposits a sum, then slowly drains it from your account, taking you uncomfortably into the red.
Dennis Weinhardt
"Cool but can you make the logo bigger and colors more pop?"
Ben Munson
This is not a fake client. This is design masturbation generator.
Nick Hollinger
Hilarious! No need to stop at logos haha.
Cam Burley
This is hilarious lol
FĂ©lix Dion Robidoux
Looks more like an ad for Skillshare than an actual tool.
Natalie Tolliday
Love love love this idea!
Asher Harris
Would love something like this for copywriting
Mitchell Earl
I love this!
Mustafa Dahdouh
i really love the idea