Fake Tweet Generator
Generate convincing fake tweet images
Shashikanth Reddy
Fake Tweet Generator β€” Generate convincing fake tweet images
With the Fake Tweet Generator tool you can create convincing fake tweet images. This tool is completely customizable so you can choose any name, any content, any time, any number of likes and many more.
Surjith S M
Looks fun, only missing link / @ color highlight in text. btw, Don't you think it will be misused / used for sharing false information?
Shashikanth Reddy
I'll work on implementing it next 😁. Yes, some people may misuse it πŸ‘€ but that is out of my control.
Funny to prank friends, not so funny to make it easier for a scammer to intentionally mislead people, or for a 'journalist' to manipulate public opinion for their benefit.
Shashikanth Reddy
Haha... you are right.
Achuth Hadnoor
Looks an easy way to get images of twitter πŸ’―
Shashikanth Reddy
Wow you found it helpful πŸ€—
That's something. πŸ˜†
Shashikanth Reddy
I'm glad that you enjoyed it 😁
Hahahaha this is meta 😎 better than editing through inspect element. Btw, were your friends pranked by it?
Shashikanth Reddy
I'm happy that you liked it 😊 and yes my friends were pranked 😁
Shashikanth Reddy
Hello everyone πŸ‘‹, I'm Shashikanth. I made this tool to create fake tweet images so that I can prank my friends πŸ˜‚. Nothing's more funnier than pranking friends 🀣. So hit that 'GET IT' button now and start creating funny tweets. You can also make memes out of it πŸ˜‰. What did you feel about this tool? Are you excited? Let me know in the comments below πŸ‘‡.
Alice Rodgers
Buy any particular crypto/shares ⬇️ generate fake twits from Elon ⬇️ share as much as possible ⬇️ sell you crypto/shares
Shashikanth Reddy
Will that work? 🀣
Alice Rodgers
@shashiirk you never know before u try haha)
Laxmi Narsimha Konduru
It's a really fantastic fun-tool @shashiirk πŸ˜„
Shashikanth Reddy
I'm glad that you liked it :)