Maria Amelie

Factiverse AI-Editor - Find factual mistakes in AI-generated content

Do you wonder if your AI-generated text is correct? Paste it in the Factiverse editor, and leave it up to our AI to find factual mistakes. We will also search Google and Bing in real-time to provide links to credible sources and save you hours of research.

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Maria Amelie
Hey Product Hunt!👋 Do you use chatGPT and other AI tools to produce content and often wonder if it is correct? Try Factiverse, the world's first tool to verify AI-generated content. I am Maria Amelie, a journalist and an author. After 8 years of research, our CTO Vinay Setty carried out at the University of Stavanger, Norway; we are finally launching an editor that enables your best writing, fast and efficiently. With exponential growth in online information, our ability to understand what to trust or not is becoming even more crucial. How you can benefit from Factiverse today: ✅Verify AI-generated content. AI tools users can verify the authenticity of claims made by Chat GPT, BARD, or other AI assistants. ✅Streamline your writing or content creation. Factiverse AI Editor can help journalists, content creators, bloggers, and researchers to verify the information and to find credible sources in seconds. This can help save time on manual fact-checking, so you have more time to focus on your story. ✅Get alternative opinions. If you are in PR, Communications, or Media, you might want to present multiple points of view on the same topic, and Factiverse helps you get the evidence for the opposing views in no time. ✅Research for school or work. You can use Factiverse to research for school or work. This will help you to find accurate information to support your arguments and get the sources in one place. ✅Fact-check news articles and verify content online. You can use Factiverse to fact-check news articles before you share them on social media or with your friends. You can verify the authenticity of claims made in blogs, on social media posts, or anywhere online This will help you to ensure that you are sharing accurate information. What can Factiverse AI editor do? 🔍 It finds statements that contain facts in your text - claims 🔖 It performs a live online search matching claim in your text 🌐 It gathers evidence from different sources in one place How does it work? You paste any text in the editor, whether human or AI-generated, and then it finds sentences with facts in them. For each of these claims, it finds evidence and shows supporting, neutral, or disputing evidence. Plus, it provides links to each source found, so you can trust your claims and evaluate their credibility to make an educated decision. Say, your text contains a sentence that the earth is flat. Our AI automatically detects this sentence and runs a search for this on search engines. You immediately receive a list of sources that dispute this claim and sources that agree that the earth is indeed flat. The links that we provide are ranked based on our ML model. Click on the links and explore this topic further with highly accurate and relevant links. About Us We are a team of award-winning data scientists and published authors passionate about high-quality online content and building AI for good. We're committed to establishing credibility in a world of uncertainty and mistrust, and we believe our tool shows that commitment. Factiverse holds a US patent for its algorithm (and awaits an EU one soon). We have also won multiple awards, including Digital Trust Challenge 2023 at KI Park, AI-Startup of the Year by Nora.AI, and Winners of Media Futures EU 2022. We're excited to share this with you and would love to hear your thoughts. Try out Factiverse AI Editor, and let us know how it goes! 💭💡 If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. We're here to help! 🙌 Let's bring back credibility to the internet. Fact-check with Factiverse!
Muritala Yusuf Oluwaseyi
@maria_amelie congratulations on this launch. Waited for it. Looking forward to publish it on easy save ai 👌 Drop me the info here Well done 👍 I
Antoni Kozelski
💎 Pixel perfection
@maria_amelie @wealthyshezzy1 Factiverse AI-Editor is the world's first tool designed to verify AI-generated content, helping users ensure the authenticity of claims made by AI assistants like ChatGPT or BARD.👏 With the exponential growth of online information, the ability to discern trustworthy content is more crucial than ever. 👍 Factiverse streamlines writing and content creation by providing quick access to credible sources, saving time🍦 on manual fact-checking.
Gaute Kokkvoll
@maria_amelie @wealthyshezzy1 @antonikozelski thank you so much for the nice and wise words! The exponential growth of online information is a challenge in itself! I read that every 14 days ChatGPT outputs more than what was published since the invention of the printing press in 1436..! And then add falsehoods and hallucinations to that..!
sree sreenivasan
@maria_amelie Congrats! Have upvoted and registered. We all need your service. As a journalist myself, I have been looking for something like this. I thought this can be used to fact-check existing content, but I guess it's for new material. Otherwise, when I ran one of my own newsletters — — through Factiverse, it ended up citing my own newsletter instead of other sources. Tried the same with a WSJ essay and has a similar issue. Looking forward to trying it with my next newsletter, BEFORE I publish!
Ravi Kumar Setty
Congrats on the product launch. It is a very useful tool to fact check before using the generated content. Appreciate the effort put in by the team to come up with a brilliant tool.
Maria Amelie
@ravi_kumar_setty thank you, it took a lot of research, and we are finally here!
Maria Amelie
@ravi_kumar_setty thank you and nice to meet you :)
Ostap Andrusiv
💡 Bright idea
Congrats on the launch! Cool project, verifying content is really hard. Is it possible to connect your own knowledge base of facts? To tune this to your own proprietary data.
Maria Amelie
@p1f Right now we add API from Google and Bing. But we can add other databases - would love to chat about that!
💡 Bright idea
Just to add to others' views saying it would be great to add a Chrome extension to really rocket use/productivity
Maria Amelie
@simon_s_j thank you - we have been working on it, as well as a plugin for chatgpt. Would that be something you would use?
@maria_amelie I would def use the Chrome plugin. And a plugin for ChatGPT would be great too. My main thought is to be able to quickly scan my draft or existing content without having to cut and paste - so a Chrome plugin that let me say "scan this web page" (without having to highlight even) would be something I would use with every article I wrote.
Maria Amelie
@simon_s_j Actually, the first prototype we had was a web browser plugin! It was made as part of research by @vinaysetty my cofounder at UiS in 2016-2019. Since then we have been getting mixed feedback on the browser extensions from content creators, some love it and have many of them, and some just hate being on the web browser and stick to Word. But it is cool to hear interest in this from the PH community - you can be the first ones to test once we have it!
Kevin T.
Fact-check a text Click "Analyze" to find claims and relevant sources. This is poor grammar. It should be Fact-check your text Click "Analyze" to find claims and relevant sources.
Gaute Kokkvoll
@kevin_t_ Thanks, Kevin! You are absolutely right, we'll update with your suggested text!
Maria Amelie
@kevin_t_ @gautek yeah, good point:-)
Congratulations on the launch of Factors Editor! Valuable tool that can save hours of research and ensure accuracy of content.
Steffen Hedebrandt
Brilliant idea - Love the team behind as well!
Maria Amelie
@steffen_hedebrandt1 Thank you for your support! :-)
Gaute Kokkvoll
❓ The problem
 Exponential growth in amount of information, LLMs are hallucinating, Fake news.. You know it 
✅ Our solution
 * Automatically detect controversial claims in any text
 * Live search for credible sources - on both sides! 
 * Generated snippets for faster assessment of different sources. 
 👻 How it works
 ☝️ Access AI Editor here (
 📝 Paste in output from ChatGPT or write any text 
✅ Click Analyze
 🤖 Our AI spots controversial claims, finds you credible sources and provides a quick overview of the information out there
 We’d love your feedback and thoughts!🙏

Roman Frolov
The internet needs this tool.
Ayesha Awan
Great job on the launch of your new product! It's a really innovative idea and I'm sure it will be a huge success!
Gaute Kokkvoll
@ayesha_awan1 Thanks so much - super exciting to share this with you and the community. Let us know if you have any more feedback!
Andrew Maxwell
going to be very helpful as chatGPT and I are not getting on well thanks to misinformation
Maria Amelie
@andrew_maxwell1 Hello Maxwell :) Thank you!
Pavel Vaks
Congrats on the launch! That's a great idea; I believe it will positively affect the world. A personal idea/request: Please work on a way to use this amazing product as a Chrome extension or figure out any other way to fact-check tweets, news articles, and basically - everything! Fact checks should be relevant to all texts, not only AI-generated ones.
Gaute Kokkvoll
@pavelvaks Thanks so much for your feedback! We are looking at making the editor available as a plug-in, would make it even more accessible! You can paste any type of text, not necessarily only from ChatGPT! Our model then performs live search in Google, Bing and Wikipedia before ranking and presenting the most credible sources supporting or disputing the sentences in your text!
Pavel Vaks
@gautek Thanks for the reply! the plug-in will be a great way to expand and ease the usage (Grammarly-like usage, instead of copy-pasting to a dedicated editor) the other note is just to point out that the generic use case is super interesting regardless of the origin of the text (personally - finding false facts from real people interests me more)
Maria Amelie
@gautek @pavelvaks Thank you for the feedback. What if we integrate chatgpt in our service, so that you can generate text you need and run a credibility check right away? Would that be easier then copy pasting?
Pavel Vaks
Hi @maria_amelie IMHO, the more impactful use case here is to fact-check data from the web (tweets, news, and even speeches and interviews) rather than data that is generated using AI. For this case, I don't think the chatGPT integration will work
Yuriy Yunikov
Congratulations! Very smart idea. Use AI to find AI mistakes. Would be interesting to know how that works behind the scenes and how your AI engine works!
Maria Amelie
@yuriy_yunikov We were careful to choose which data we can train on, mainly articles from highly credible newsrooms and fact-checkers. First we identify a fact-check worthy sentence, and then we search in Google and Bing to find relevant sources. We are not just showing the first thing that pops up there, but sort results based on the historical training data from newsrooms. So if historically certain websites are more credible on certain topics - we will show them in the results on that topic:)
Julio Medina
Interesting approach!
Notion Bae
This is so necessary because I've had AI tell me all kind of stuff that wasn't true lol Congrats on the launch!
Gaute Kokkvoll
@notionbae Same here!! Thanks for your kind words!
Dennis Zax
Congrats on the launch! A really cool idea, ironic how AI is being used to verify AI :) How are you able to evaluate if a source is credible though? Do you just have list of preset credible sources (or endings such as .gov) you work from?
Gaute Kokkvoll
@deds3t Thanks Dennis! Technology is a two-edged sword ;) We're not blacklisting or whitelisting any pages - but every time we do a search we also look at historical credibility for the source. So if you have a history of being credible around climate change, you'd rank higher for that topic, but not necessarily for inflation or economy. Our CTO @vinaysetty can also add to this!
Carter Wang
Impressive! Would it be okay to include your app in my AI directory? ( >>> Email me your app details and I can also help get your app listed on 100+ AI directories.
Gaute Kokkvoll
@carter_wang Thanks, Carter! Yes, that would be great! I'll dm you.
David Maker
Amazing design! Really dig the design of this website.
Gaute Kokkvoll
@staticmaker1 Thanks a lot, David! We tried not to re-invent the wheel, but to keep i clean!
Maria Amelie
@staticmaker1 @gautek Thank you so much. Our website has undergone so many transformations, as well as the product - it is a never-ending process.
Congratulation on the launch😍
Petter Selvikvåg Berge
Congratulations! Looking forwars to this