@webbuzzau That will still apply to small scale companies but facebook has practically exhausted all supplies of users. To grow, they either have to connect more users to internet or eat on competition.
Watch is no surprise. Facebook's been preparing to publish original content to compete with Netflix, Hulu, and traditional cable network. They've also been testing "Facebook TV" within the app for a while. Here's a screenshot I shared on Twitter nearly a year ago:
@rrhoover Netflix core markets are movies and series, so It looks like they are taking on Youtube & Amazon's Twitch more than Netflix/hulu, providing a great tool to record "shows" at home and organize them. Examples provided by facebook are "Nas Daily publishes a daily show where he makes videos together with his fans from around the world.", "Kitchen Little is a funny show about kids who watch a how-to video of a recipe" and live sports event... I don't see any "Stranger things" or "Okja" killer here. So they're definitely not taking on Netflix...
I'm not willing to pay money for this. Everybody and their grandma wants to have their own streaming service now (isn't disney trying to do the same thing). I don't have money to pay for all of these platforms. Heck, I still don't even have Tidal!
@tese_omesan just like YouTube is free, Watch is free. But like YouTube has ads, Watch will have ads! But just as YouTube now has YouTube RED (subscription, ad-free service) will Facebook have FB BLUE?? Time will tell my friends...
Why are we calling this the Netflix killer when it's really the Youtube killer. Once they enable widespread revenue sharing, Facebook will explode with content!
@arotheram I could see influencers migrating to Facebook. With the ability to utilize pages, groups, live, events, on-site ecommerce, and rev share. It's much better than the YouTube "about" page that doesn't look like it's been updated since 2008.
Plus facebook ads don't play at 1000 decibels like youtube ads so I'm rooting for 'em!
@wterhalle Yes!! Facebook has been slowly gunning for Twitch content over the past year, hiring ex-pro esport players and signing deals with Heroes Of The Storm content. If they can get people spending 1+ hours on the website watching that content... the data and potential advertising revenue would be huge.
@arotheram you're right!! As soon as I read the post, I realized that this is a major YouTube killer...once it rolls out, this will really be a battle of the better platform. I go to YouTube strictly to watch videos, I go to Facebook for pretty much everything social.
We already saw how Google takes on social media (sucks) so will they somehow try to bring social to YouTube and try again? Or am I missing something?? I should make a FB Watch Show videoing my findings...
If you actually use FB, then just look at all the amounts of crap people post on it; it should make for quite an entertaining soap opera. Content can't get any more original than that. 😀
Cool, I'm assuming everybody will be able to create their own shows and content? Exciting for all the influencers, and I can't wait to test it out with my show Valley Talks www.valleytalks.com. I realized a while ago that switching to hosting episodes on FB instead of YT is bringing much better results, and was waiting for FB to improve the whole video channel experience. Looks like this is it. Looking forward.
Is it just me who feels that this is more competitive with YouTube then Netflix ? Instead of driving traffic from your facebook and instagram to youtube, you drive it directly to facebook. And I hope that this will be beautifully integrated with instagram. Maybe stories that turn to complete videos.
everyone says that they won't pay for this... wait two years when all content is available on one of these major streaming platforms, and then I'll check in.
@alina_karnaukh Imagine a future of mini shows from small businesses. Also similar to facebook channels. A lot of content creators can use this for a video podcasting channel.
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