Currently open to sign up for the Beta. Early partners include Bitly, Dropbox, Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr, Twitter, and Yahoo. Haven't gotten access yet but I think this could potentially be a great tool. Our engineers at Mashable are always discovering & responding to vulnerabilities - would be great to share knowledge with other companies we trust.
FB describes it as "an API approach that builds on our internal ThreatData system to create a social platform designed for sharing indicators like bad URLs and domains.... Participants choose from a defined set of data types that exclude categories of sensitive data, and a number of safeguards help ensure that threat data isn’t accidentally shared broadly. This approach makes it easier for an organization that may want to share data that needs to be handled with extra sensitivity—for example, a company might want to share specific information only with another company they know to be experiencing the same attack."
Anyone already have access? Would love to hear what you think!
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