Jean-Marc Denis

Facebook Messenger Dark Mode - Facebook's new dark mode for messenger

One of the most highly anticipated features from the launch of Messenger 4, dark mode is a sleek new look that goes easy on the eyes so you can use the Messenger features you love no matter when or where you are.

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Fraser Smith
More of a feature than a product. Just saying.
All of the genocide in Myanmar, destruction of sovereignty, and collapse of Western democracy, none of the eye strain! Thanks, Facebook!
Alternative...Deleting Facebook ๐Ÿ˜‚
Aaron O'Leary
It looks super nice, every app should adopt this
New tagline: For those that use dark themed code editors... and the rest of the people with common sense, I bring you Facebook Messenger Dark Mode!
Anna Filou
Nate Davis
Promo vid is ๐Ÿ˜Ž
I've really been waiting for this!
Fiess Edouard
Why is this on PH ? Seriously ? Who hunted that s**t ? Who approved it ? Who are the 300 hipsters who upvoted that ? Messenger dark mode as one of the top trending product of the day ? I'm starting to wonder if I should unsub from the daily digest...
Mary Kurylets

I like it a lot but after a couple of days, I switched back


Cool factor, nobody has it


Dark mode is not as usable as the normal one

Why not press thrice home button?
John Palmer
From the images, looks like they're using a pure black background? Kinda breaking a core design principle there. Hard to look at.
Cesar Harrosch
Very cool! back to white color 2 minutes later
Johncarl Rebucas