Hi Makers and Doers,
Expertrec search is a feature-packed, modern-day search box for your website. In this wordpress plugin, we have addressed the following common problems that a typical wordpress search lacks.
Typo tolerance.
No load on the hosting servers.
Voice search.
Please try it on your website and share your valuable feedback with us.
To the marketers out there, our search natively leverages all the hard work you have put into your website like meta tags, og:images, sitemaps etc Hence you will directly get the benefit without sweating it out to tweak your internal site search.
Fello makers,
I would like to take your opinion on the topic of Typo. Why has the typos in search increased over the last decade?
Google's typo tolerance - people now expect it everywhere.
More mobile searches - mobile is inherently inaccurate.
Grammarly - tools have made us less attentive to spellings.
Please share your thoughts.
@newmelchizedecsundararaj Congrats! This looks really powerful and easy to use. I think the first option, and people become less attentive to details as they take the 'understanding' as granted.
@matt_lovett1 yes, all data that is visible on the website can be extracted. Our crawlers have JS execution functionality, and can be used to execute custom JS and extract different fields from the webpage/url etc.
@matt_lovett1 by visible, I meant, available on the website, even things like meta tags, json data etc on the page could be picked up in to custom fields.
@maker Great job! The usability and functions of the plug-ins are amazing. I was wowed when I got to know that this will even collect metadata and json data and optimise accordingly. Love the typo tolerance feature as well. The $9/month fee is also fair.
Do you plan on doing a 3 months or 1 year subscription also for proportionately less subscription fee?
Expertrec custom search engine 🤗😊😈
Expertrec custom search engine 🤗😊😈
Expertrec custom search engine 🤗😊😈
Expertrec custom search engine 🤗😊😈
Expertrec custom search engine 🤗😊😈
Expertrec custom search engine 🤗😊😈