Marcis Bergmanis

Exome.js - State manager for deeply nested states


Exome is store manager that is designed for managing deeply nested store structures with ease. Can be used with any UI framework.

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Marcis Bergmanis
Hey. I created this project because of the need for very fast and lightweight state manager in my JS app. Application had a lot of moving parts and user interactions and this solution really hit the mark. Started to work on it early 2021 and since then it has been battle tested quite a lot in various projects in varied sizes (desktop apps, web apps, games and even realtime multiplayer ones). Even tho I developed it for myself and peers, today I want to share it with others. Let me know if it's something you'd like to use. :)
Amit Arora
@marcisbee handling deeply nested states was a little problem. This will help. Congrats for the Launch Marcis!!
Marcis Bergmanis
@amit_arora Thanks, hope it helps!
Arun Kodavali
Hey Marcis, how is it different from mobx or other js state management libraries
Marcis Bergmanis
@arun_kodavali hey! Main goals of this library is: - Be fast (little to no compromises on performance) - Do less amount of work possible - Be very simple - each state instance is just a regular class instance with some reactive sprinkle coming from extended prototype class that devs don't really see Main difference between mobx is that mobx aims to be fully reactive in "property/value" level, so each state instance can have multiple values that are reactive. However in Exome, each instance is reactive only to actions. Action must happen for update to be fired. You can get more info here:
Thet Lin Thu
Perfect for devs dealing with intricate store structures. Nice work, Marcis!
Marcis Bergmanis
@thetlinthu I think so too. Thank you!