Justin Jackson

Examine 2.0 - Unbiased health and supplement information you can trust

The new Examine just came out. It’s the easiest way to find evidence-based health information on supplements, diets, and health goals.

Been around for over a decade, so nice to have a trustworthy resource.

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Esus 🛡️
One of my favorite products on the internet. Experts purely getting paid to read studies and give us the real news. In a web full of sponsored posts, ads, and hidden astroturfing, it's great to have this health resource. Proud Examine+ Lifetime member, congrats on the 2.0 @sol_orwell & Team! The new Research Snapshot callout has to be my fav little new feature: '7,182 participants in 177 trials' + Some lovely UI design.
Sol Orwell
@jamesskon Thanks thanks James. We intend on expanding the little touches a lot more :)
Justin Jackson
Instead of basing my health decisions on headlines I catch while browsing social media, I've been looking for more in-depth sources. Sol, and his team, have just launched a new version of Examine that cuts through the noise. They'll send you the latest relevant studies on the topics you choose.
Elsie Alkurabi | Micro
YES! Examine will always be my go-to.
Sol Orwell
@elsewhere 🙏🏾
Ashley Porciuncula
Fantastic idea! I love it! Congratulations on the launch!
Brian Dean
I loved Examine.com 1.0 (I use it on a regular basis to learn about supplements). 2.0 looks even better and more streamlined. Congrats Sol and team!
Sol Orwell
@backlinko Coming from you Brian, the praise is much appreciated :)
Sol Orwell
Ahoy Product Hunt! 👋🏽 Thanks to @mijustin for hunting us. We started work on Examine 2.0 way back in January 2020, and it’s finally out! A decent number of people are likely familiar with Examine, so here’s the deal: everything has been rebuilt from scratch. From the codebase to the design to the structure to the content itself, it’s all been redone. And we have one unifying goal: to be a trustworthy source of health information that answers whatever questions you have. We’ve engineered the site to basically give you answers to whatever questions you have, and to provide you with the information you need to make the smartest choices. For example - let's take creatine [https://examine.com/supplements/...]. You get your most common questions answered, see which dosages work, use the Examine Database to get a summary of all the research, and then scan the Research feed for summaries of the latest studies. We show all of our work, read the papers we summarize, and stay away from making any absolute statements. I have one request: We want your feedback. And questions. And criticisms, and praise. All of it! We’re constantly churning through feedback to improve our behemoth of a site. Hope you enjoy the new site, and please note: we’re just getting started. It was a significant amount of work to build this beast out, and now that it is live, the updates will be coming fast and furious!
Jesse ✌️
Insane to see the evolution of Examine over the years. I still remember reading the digests when I worked in the supplement industry at the start of my career. Helped me also make great decisions when I competed in my first two bodybuilding shows. Still got emails that I sent myself with links from Examine.com dating back to 2012/13 — can't wait to see what they do over the next decade.
Ghost Kitty
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George Pagan III
What an incredible service! Loved v1, excited for v2
Ann Ezexel
A great product, especially if you are a hypochondriac :) You guys are great!