Ex Alarm
An app that calls your ex if you don't get out of bed
Brian Krall

Ex Alarm — An app that calls your ex if you don't get out of bed

Niv Dror
An obvious competitor will spring up in the next few days... "Boss Alarm: calls your current boss if you don't get out of bed!"
@Nivo0o0 Haha - if you download Boss Alarm you might as well just quit your job now, b/c a firing is in your near future otherwise
Brian Krall
Oh my god, the ingenuity. Just an MVP, but I imagine this would get anyone up.
man thats sick. love it
Derek Shanahan
OMG totally LOLed.
Miles Matthias
This is awesome. I'm going to be getting a lot of calls at 6 am...
Blake Robbins
Wow. This is so ridiculously hilarious.
Owen Williams
This is great hahahaha