Everything Set is the first Smart Home monitor of its kind. It uses AI and statistics to monitor your smart home devices to makes sure they're not oversharing or talking to the wrong places.
Hi all! I'm Michael Melnick, CTO and head of data science at Everything Set. For the past three years we've been building an intelligent monitor for the smart home, and we're excited to share it with you as it emerges from beta testing into our first ever Early Access program.
The Everything Set Box plugs into your home router and immediately starts identifying every device connected to your home network. From there, we collect a minimal set of network activity data (outgoing packet headers) to help us identify how these networked devices are behaving. Through heavily anonymized, cloud-based analyses that compare devices of the same type, make and model to your personal devices, we help you identify a smart device that isn't acting correctly - whether because it's been hacked, infected, malfunctioning, or just plain badly designed. We make these comparisons across device types too, so you can know whether you've got an unusually chatty A/V receiver compared to all the others, in addition to whether that receiver is acting normally compared to the way you typically use it.
We began building Everything Set when we realized that as smart home products proliferate - from smart plugs through smart TVs, connected set top boxes and wifi-connected cars - the level of risk and complexity is beyond what any typical customer can handle. Even for those of us with the networking knowledge it takes to set up siloed IoT VLANs, guest wifi networks, and custom firewall rules - few of us really want to spend our evenings or weekends administering these things.
Everything Set constantly monitors device behavior so that you don't have to, and we can identify a misbehaving device through comparison to its peers more readily than any one of us every could by watching the packets flow alone. You can join our Early Access for only $10, which gets you the Everything Set box to plug into your home network, and a subscription to test out the service for a full year before anything changes. Think of this as a chance to gain some insight into what your networked devices are up to when you're not watching, and we'll use it to beef up our learning platform so that what we tell you about your devices gives you both new insights and some extra peace of mind that your home is safe and private. If you have any questions feel free to drop them here, I'll be happy to answer them!
I am an active (IoT) connected device tester. I have been using this product for a few weeks, and I am surprised by the "destinations" data coming from various devices (often bought on Amazon) ends up going. This has slowly become an indispensable tool for keeping an eye on my devices and home network. If nothing, it is worth trying to get a good understanding of your connected home security.
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