Everything.me launched today on Android. Curious to hear @scobleizer's take on this, considering he wrote a book about contextual computing.
This is exactly what @sandimac was describing on 6th episode of Product Hunt Radio (plug!).
@rrhoover The interesting move here (for us in startups) is when Apple may (hopefully) open this up. For now, I think cover screens and launchers are cool, but still not enough to get over switching costs. An earlier post dug into the topic: http://blog.semilshah.com/2014/0...
@semil Apple's opening new opportunities in iOS 8 with app extensions, custom keyboard, etc. It's hard to imagine Apple ever being as open as Android but I believe the market will force them to move further in this direction.
@rrhoover They could, however, just sit back and watch what works on Android and then slowly bake it into iOS. With iOS8 their lead is expanding and they can afford to sit back a bit.
I just installed it, this is interesting but still needs a lot of work. I like the prediction bar, which is kind of what Cover does. What I don't like is that it resurfaced a bunch of apps that I don't use and put them on my front screen just because they are part of a certain category. Also, the lack of personalization: when I select "news", I expect to see "my news", not the national news from the CBC that I have never read.
Everything.me has been available for quite some time in Android. I have used it, but I prefer Aviate than Everything.me. Everything.met tries to change me to its needs while Aviate tries to understand what I need - big difference!
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Reboot Podcast #33 - Do I Even Have A Superpower?
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Reboot Podcast #33 - Do I Even Have A Superpower?