Alina Valyaeva

Color Trends - Top colors in stock photography

We collected the most powerful insights to help photographers and stock photo consumers better understand what colors are the most popular:
⬛️ Top 7 Colors of the Year
🟪 Top Cool and Warm Colors
🟩 Top Colors of 7 Stock Photography Themes

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Dima Shiron
Hi Product Hunters! The Everypixel team always keeps track of what is trendy in photography and tech. To create this report, we have analyzed over 5k images from 38 stock photo websites that were the most demanded by users of in 2020. Check out some compelling insights which can help marketers better perform their visual marketing strategy and photographers better understand what kind of photos resonate with the audience. ❓How did we make the analysis? ⚙️ Using the algorithm, we extracted from each picture a set of colors that occupied the largest area in that image. ⚙️ Then we plotted colors on a color map as pixels, bearing in mind the volume they occupied and that users downloaded some pictures again and again. So, the more clicks an image has, the more weight its colors have. ⚙️ Next, we ran an algorithm that clustered the colors on the map by choosing the most weighted average shades of colors. These shades are the most popular colors in 2020, according to our research. We’d love to hear your feedback!
taw ing
Great job
Bhargavi Hegde
Good job