Emily Hodgins

EVA - Bra that detects possible breast cancer indicators

EVA is the first intelligent, portable, and non-invasive wearable designed to detect abnormalities in the thermal patterns of the breast, an indicator for the possible presence of breast cancer.

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Emily Hodgins
I've signed up for a pre-sale order. I understand from the Higia website that this bra is no replacement for Mammograms (a Mammogram recently saved my Aunty's life so please never miss one), but can give indicators that could help get an earlier diagnosis, and an early diagnosis really can save a life.
@ems_hodge This is the type of wearables innovation I liek to see!
Fernanda R Pintle
@ejsnowdon Hey, anyone did receive the product? Does anyone know if Eva Bra is still on market? and Does Eva Bra actually works?
Bob Troia
How long must EVA be worn? Also, from the FAQs: 12. Does EVA emit any type of radiation? EVA is a non-invasive device that doesn’t present any risk to the user’s health. 👈 this doesn't answer the question! Anything that transmits bluetooth is transmitting radiation (important to know if one is wearing against the breast/body).
Harry Tran
@bobtroia that is something I'd like to know as well before endorsing this product, how much testing was done in this regard. The fatty tissue has been known to absorb all sorts of chemicals which may indirectly or directly correlate to breast cancer in the first place. However, if it's truly deemed safe this could eventually save more lives than we can count.
Emily Gertz
@bobtroia The radiation emitted by Bluetooth transmitters is not the "radioactive" kind associated with nuclear bombs, power, medical scanners. It's non-ionizing radiation, which does not have enough energy to break or alter DNA. So that particular risk factor for cancer is not present. Also, the Bluetooth radio frequency signal is very low-power, because it's intended for devices to connect across very short distances. AFAIK the Bluetooth signal from a single Bluetooth device does not rise above the level of background electromagnetic radiation. I'm not saying there's no risk at all from low-power RF radiation. There's not enough data yet on the human health impacts of RF to say that; plus, some people are surrounded by a lot of WiFi and Bluetooth RF signals (a wirelessly networked office, for instance), and we don't know whether or how that affects risk. I would say adults simply should not wear the device all day, every day. If you go to the website, you'll see that the manufacturer intends that users insert the EVA between the breast and a bra, run the test, and then take it out. That's akin to putting on and taking off a Bluetooth headset. I'd also say that children and teens should not use this device. I'm not a scientist or an engineer. I'm merely a journalist who sometimes covers environmental health issues. But I hope this information is helpful.
Bob Troia
@ejgertz Yes, bluetooth may be non-ionizing but it's not just the thermal effects as it is still RF (microwave) radiation, which is also harmful. So the big concerns are a) how long must the device be worn, b) is the device continuously transmitting over bluetooth, and c) and if yes, is there an "airplane" mode feature than can turn off transmission for a period of time?
Joseph Ayoub
If it works as mentioned it is one of the best things you can buy over the internet.
I feel like this is perfect for early cancer detection. Especially in cases where you have a early onset aggressive form or a person who has cancer that is really hard to notice. I have a friend who has been working at the factory for 15+ years and he has been feeling kind of wonky recently. He went to get an exam and turns out he has mesothelioma. Now he is sitting and looking for good mesothelioma attorney since he wants to file a lawsuit against the company where he worked. I honestly wish a thing like this would have been available sooner. Perhaps then he would have been diagnosed in time.
Tori Bunte
The one item missing from their site is how this is more effective than monthly self-exams. I get that with more data, it's detection capabilities will improve, but I just don't see the benefit vs. self-exam for myself. But i can see the benefit for others - e.g. for women with limited mobility where self-exams are difficult and they can't rely on someone else to do them monthly.
Alfonso C. Betancort
Are we looking at another Theranos? Would I trust my health to just another start-up, think not.
Larisa Onya
I feel like this is perfect for early cancer detection. especially in cases where you have a early onset agressive form
Fernanda R Pintle
Hey, anyone did receive the product? Does anyone know if Eva Bra is still on market? and Does Eva Bra actually works?