Denis Shershnev

Digital Bookshelf - 20 essential books for product managers and designers

Digital Bookshelf is a new educational project including a list of Top 20 Must-Read books for Product Managers and Designers. Here you find a brief information about its content and purposes. We believe that these books could be of irreplaceable assistance in helping you create a great product.

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Tinh Nguyen
Thank you! I think you should add books link, sometime i want to read more information about them, and buy. Now i must google book name :D Anw, this is my side project: Free Ebooks For 🦄 Unicorn Designer (UI UX Design and Front-end Code), curated by me
Denis Shershnev
@nguyendangtinh the links are inside, after the description;)
Denis Shershnev
@nguyendangtinh i like There are some interesting books i haven’t read
@nguyendangtinh @eulerr I am using a new samsung tablet and i tap all over the books and they do not open, they show no text whatsoever, only a book title and author name. There is a dropdown menu showing categories which changes the titles, of course, but no further information and no links to any bookseller. (I prefer electronic versions, by the way.) That said, the layout is tantalising and otherwise easy to use and intriguing. Too bad the books themselves do not open. Could be interesting to offer a membership/full text capacity so that wannabe readers do not leave your site. You have already done a lot of work in curating the most useful titles.
Denis Shershnev
@esinger, thank you for your feedback, we will fix it✅
Denis Shershnev
@esinger, check it, we solved the problem
Looks nice! I've built something similar but for business books only:
Denis Shershnev
@tonixx, thanks for your feedback, your product looks nice! We will use it
Denis Shershnev
Hi Producthunters! We're We have launched a new educational project that is free to use! We’ve recommended these books for our team, but then we decided to share with everyone. We’ve spent a lot of time selecting these books. The result of our work is a Top 20 Must-Read books for Product Managers and Designers list. We believe that these books could be of irreplaceable assistance in helping you create a great product. Therefore, if you aren’t sure how to develop your skills, don't waste time searching for an appropriate book, simply check DigitalBookshelf and find something new! On the main page you can see all 20 books, divided into 4 specific category: - innovation process; - product management; - product design; - user behavior. Pay attention, we don’t offer full publications, just necessary information to understand is it worth to read or no. There are 5 options in each book: - brief information about book’s content; - book’s purposes and who should read it; - information about author; - reviews from famous publishers; - and last point is link, there you can take this book. We plan to increase the selection of our bookshelf in the future if you find it useful. We’d appreciate your feedback and would be happy to answer any questions.
Piotr Gaczkowski
@eulerr I love the idea! What were your criteria to select these particular books?
Ali Siam
This is very useful, I've been looking for a nice collection of books for design & product management. This comes at right time for me. Great work!
Denis Shershnev
@ali_siam, thanks to be one of our first user! We will increase it, follow us 😉
Nate Davis
Why loop product managers and designers together? Both dying breeds or what?
Denis Shershnev
@nate_davis because it’s difficult to ask backend developer to read about processes;) it’s a joke. We just believe that product manager and designer have to be on the same page. Otherwise the process of product development is broken. We don’t pretend it’s a fundamental truth, it’s just our own experience.
Nate Davis
@eulerr Haha loved that. This is honestly very interesting, and I agree with you. As a so-called "design technologist" I can actually really relate to this. My main problem working at startups as a "designer" for the past 4 years was exactly that, not being on the same page with my product managers! What is your opinion on this, a future where product managers do not exist? We have product engineers, and we have product designers. 🤔
Claire Lovell
When I click on the books, nothing happens - I can't see any description information.
Denis Shershnev
@halfwrittensong, we are so sorry, it is being repaired right now ⚙️
Denis Shershnev
@halfwrittensong, check it now, the problem has been solved
Deb P Davis
Thanks for this and more user behavior / research books please ;-)
Denis Shershnev
@yuncod, you are welcome! Your wishes will be taken into account 😉
Bruce Mason
I always forget to read books. But this app motivates me a lot and reminds what to read.
awasas sasas
A good application, great when on the road there is nothing to do and you need to do something with yourself. And I love to read! I prefer online books, because I can read them everywhere I go!. And I buy these books on the site, the quality is good, delivered quickly, and the prices are reasonable!