Yan Sidyakin

Essential - A beautiful, minimal, distraction-free meditation app

Essential provides a beautiful environment for meditation and makes the meditation habit easier to stick. It's meditation boiled down to its essence. No voice-over, no distracting videos, no trophies or awards – just you and your thoughts.

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Patrick Thompson
Looks cool, but I don’t understand why there is a monthly pay model attached to this. Are you paying for any server costs associated with this app?
Yan Sidyakin
@neurohacked Thank you! User data is stored locally or in user's iCloud. But the app will evolve continuously as I get feedback, improving existing features and adding new ones. Also, in this case I believe the paying model is justified since meditation is usually a daily practice. I tried making it so that the app can be used comfortably and long-term for free (e. g. all functionality shown on the screenshots is free), so you can use the free version and there won't be any obvious in-your-face lack of functionality.
Can Olcer
Looks great. I'm using Melly currently, but I'd like something even more minimal than that. What I'm missing from your app is the ability to select a background sound, which I like doing (especially if I'm not in a quite environment while meditation). Is this something you think of adding? Also, I'd prefer paying once (even something like $5 ). A subscription doesn't make a lot of sense to me, and I've got to say no meditation app is worth $5 a month for me. I know there's the free version, but just my two cents :-)
Yan Sidyakin
@canolcer Thank you for your feedback! Yes, I'll probably add ambient noise, I think it's very helpful. I'll take note on the paying model. Did you pay for your current meditation app Melly?
Yan Sidyakin
Hi everyone! I've always been quite frustrated with popular meditation apps, because in my opinion they have a lot of unnecessary stuff like voice-overs, videos, etc., which isn't what meditation is really about. I believe meditation is simple. There are tens of meditation apps on the App Store with lots of various content, and these apps are liked by many people. But some of us like to keep meditation very minimal – just sitting down and being alone with your thoughts. This app is for to such people. I really focused on design and user experience with this one. I think if you want any habit to stick, it's important to create a great environment for it, which is what I'm trying to provide with Essential. If you love minimal design, you should find your meditation sessions very enjoyable with this app. If you end up using it and find something you don't like or have some suggestions, please let me know! In this early version, some features – for example, custom sounds – have already been implemented after hearing back from users. Feedback from even just one person matters to me a lot and can significantly improve the experience of all the other users. Hope you find it useful! P. S. Can't express it enough how excited I am haha. Product Hunt is a great community which I've been following for months now, and it feels great to finally launch something here.
mr harun
I tried this app when I needed help. I had a difficult time and a lot of problems, so I needed to soothe my body through meditation. This method turned out to be very effective for my mind because after a couple of weeks of using meditations from www.meditation.studio, I already noticed positive results. Now I was able to find myself and a calmness that helps me to contain negative emotions and solve all conflicts freely. I think this method will be a very interesting experience for many after self-isolation and quarantine.