EquityMultiple V2 - Wealth-Building Technology That Goes Above & Beyond
EquityMultiple provides an innovative wealth generation ecosystem for accredited investors. Build a better portfolio by investing in high-yield, professionally managed real estate, starting with just $5k. Achieve a higher level of diversification.
The Alpine Note - An elevated alternative for your savings
The Alpine Note is a real estate-backed alternative to savings accounts and CDs. It offers 3, 6, or 9 maturities and corresponding yield (APY) of 5.85%, 6.9%, and 7.4%, respectively. $5K minimum investment, zero fees.
EquityMultiple - Welcome to modern real estate investing
EquityMultiple is a platform that connects individual investors with pre-vetted, institutional real estate investments at low minimums. Founded in 2015, the company has financed over 35 deals across the country, totaling more than $400M in total capitalization.