eqMac2 - The open-source macOS audio optimizer 🎛️
A free & open source system-wide audio equalizer for the Mac.
Improves your audio listening on macOS.
Experience music on your Mac, how it is meant to be.
A free & open source system-wide audio equalizer for the Mac.
Improves your audio listening on macOS.
Experience music on your Mac, how it is meant to be.
Already using this app for like 5+ months, super handy, turned my bassless headphones into pretty damn good ones!
Definitely must-have app!
Pros:save presets, precise setup, easy to use, will help you to achieve your personal comfort sound
Cons:Sometimes app is crashing when new audio device was removed / after sleep wakeup. Switching to newly connected device can be painful
Gitarrenlehrer brauchen manchmal einen EQ um mit Youtube zu arbeiten, eqMac2 macht das super!
Pros:Läuft auf Mac OSX 10.12.6 mit Safari, Firefox und Chrome Browser TOP.
ich benutze den Chrome Browser...
Cons:Bisher keine!