Ciocanel Razvan

Rainbow UI Kit by EpicPxls - A colorful Bootstrap 4 UI Kit for landing pages

Rainbow UI Kit is a Bootstrap 4 theme made by us from our previous design. We've been working to create a modern and new Bootstrap 4 theme that can set apart your landing page from any available out there.

Included files in the pack:

🏅 Photoshop

💎 Sketch

🔦 Slim & Html


📈 Config for Codekit

📫 Config for Prepros

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It's really well made and i enjoyed using the components in this UI Kit. I'm glad that it's ready in bootstrap 4 version too as my clients have been asking for it. :)


I am a designer and i got the psd/sketch version a while back for this.



Ciocanel Razvan
Thanks for the nice review :D <3
Do you plan on launching a bootstrap 3 version?
Ciocanel Razvan
@alexbala hmm. We don't have that in plan now but it was a thing we thought about when we decided to make the bootstrap version. We decided to future proof it and make sure people can use this for some time now.
August Vladimir

My work involves working on wordpress themes and i've always enjoyed a good design and a well made ui kit.

I just bought this and it seems to be using slim templates that i like using in my themes and scss. That's a big bonus.


The use of Bootstrap 4, slim templates and SCSS


It's a little small as it doesn't have all the designs for wordpress but it's great for landing pages

Ciocanel Razvan
Hi guys, We come on Producthunt again with our new product. This time it's a Bootstrap 4 theme that we've been working on for the past 2 months. We tried to make something that is quite modern and offers everything that is needed to get going and build fast. Because we love the Producthunt community we decided to offer a discount of 30% using the coupon code "PRODUCTHUNT" at checkout. Please let us know what you think!
Joshua Pinter
Really nice. Love the "Stripe"-esque colours.
Ciocanel Razvan
@joshuapinter Thanks a lot man <3