Ciocanel Razvan

Pocket UI React-Native Theme - A React-Native theme for fintech apps


This is Pocket UI React-Native Theme, our design and implementation for a fintech app that you can download and use straight away. We are offering sketch and photoshop versions for the theme as well as react-native theme as a node_module that you can use.

By downloading you can start developing the custom features for your app straight away.

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Can i buy without giving my email or registering for marketing "promotions"?
Stafie Anatolie
@gianpaj In the signup dialog you can uncheck the "Notify me by email of new and exciting items posted on EpicPxls." and by doing this you're opting out from any future marketing promotions.
Ciocanel Razvan
@gianpaj @sanatolie Yep you can find that checkbox here: You will get the confirmation email for your sale as an email. We want your email so you can get free updates if you buy it now. We usually increase the price when we add new features.
Akshay Kadam(A2K)
Expo demo isn't working for me
Ciocanel Razvan
@deadcoder0904 are you using an android or an iphone?
Ciocanel Razvan
@deadcoder0904 I'm asking because i mainly used an iphone to test it and it worked great.
Ciocanel Razvan
@deadcoder0904 I see. I'll go ahead and find and android phone and see what is going on.
David Dias
No price showed before giving my email? No, thank you... You'll lose a lot of people doing that...
Ciocanel Razvan
@thedaviddias1 Hi there. Sorry about that. I will add the price in the button so it's clearer. This page it's actually a presentation page we made we are mainly having it on our website :)
Ciocanel Razvan
@thedaviddias1 Ok it is now shown. Thanks for the suggestion i'll certainly keep that in mind. :)
David Dias
That is much much better @chocksy! Sorry for my comment, I thought it was done on purpose. I see it was not the case, so thanks to take my comment into consideration. 😅
Ciocanel Razvan
@thedaviddias1 It was more by mistake as I'm always logged in and I did not really realize we were not showing that on the page. Thanks a lot <3 No point for being sorry.
Ciocanel Razvan
Hi Hunters, This is our latest product a react native theme for our Pocket UI Kit that we launched 1 month ago. Please let us know in the comments what you think of it and if you have any questions. A lot of you followed our process so because of that you guys can use the coupon code PRODUCTHUNT to get 40% off any of the products we offer on our shop on

It's nice as it has Photoshop and Sketch versions and now with the react-native theme it's realy helpful as i can start my app with minimum cost and it looks really good.


I got the product when it was just the design


Can't think of any cons