Seth Gold

Entro - The holy grail of email introductions


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Seth Gold
Hey Product Hunters! The main thing Entro does is help connectors remove the time suck from double opt-in introductions and help you close the loop with an automatic follow-up after an introduction is sent. The short version is I had to do a bit of cold calling in my previous BD gig and didn't really enjoy it that much. One day I offered to make an introduction for a friend and he sent 3 back! After going in warm, I was trusted immediately, got the decision-maker right away and eventually installation. This was the complete polar opposite from my cold calling experience. After this and a few other successful intros I sent out - I wanted something to help me track, follow-up, and proactively recommend who I should connect before I even knew. We originally started on Linkedin but they cut off their API leaving that product completely dead. Anyways we realized email was the best place for us to ultimately exist since it's where the majority of introductions take place. After doing 100s of customer interviews, we realized that the two biggest pain points were the time suck of double opt-in introductions (coined by Fred Wilson) and the lost data/insights of what happens after you make an introduction. With that, we got back to work to focus on those issues and have Entro today! Hope you enjoy and please share your feedback/suggestions :) Also have to give props to John Corcoran for our amazing new tagline Would love to offer 1 Month free of Premium Entro courtesy of Glasshole Kitty ;). Just use the Promo code 'ProductHunt' after installing!
Cynthia Schames
If you're constantly being asked to make intros to other entrepreneurs, investors, etc., YOU NEED THIS. Entro is a clean, friendly, MODERN way to make great meaningful two sided intros, and then close the loop afterward. Highly recommended!
Seth Gold
@cynthiaschames Thanks so much Cynthia! Perfect for closing the loop :)
Samir Doshi
@cynthiaschames Cool concept for sure - but are we risking over saturation and over load leading to diminished quality as the difficulty of connecting acts as an attrition filter?
Seth Gold
@samir_doshi @cynthiaschames I would say Entro at your own risk. Also, we have an auto follow-up so you can know if the intros you're sending are helpful or not. If you're not adding value then don't send.
Samir Doshi
@seth_gold @cynthiaschames True --- it's an empowerment tool so it's up to the user to condition the use... good point and good luck!
Daniel Fell
Great product! Use it at least 15x/day and I've received very valuable business in return for making intros to others. It's the gift that keeps on giving.
Seth Gold
@gableroach Dan the man! They are going to have to change the word connector to your name in the dictionary - appreciate your support as always!
Jackson Gates
@gableroach Thanks for introducing this to me Daniel. At 15x intros a day -- you are definitely a power user. I need to try harder to use this in place of my existing email workflow.
Adam Lee
Love the product. I'v been an early user and am extremely impressed by what Seth and his team have built in such a short period of time. I like to think of my self as a serial connector and Entro is the gravy to my roast potatoes. I'm excited to see what comes next from then Entro team.
Seth Gold
@oilcanguitar Adam is also one of the inspirations behind Entro with his generous introductions!
Jonathan Chizick
Wow, this looks like it could save me tons of time every week. Will try it out now.
Seth Gold
@jcinsv Great, let me know if you have any questions or suggestions!
Elia Morling
Crystal clear pain, benefit and execution. Nice one guys 😄 what's the next step?
Seth Gold
@tribaling lots of people requesting for Mobile, Outlook, Request for Entros, etc. The goal is to help people connect online and offline so the more things we can do to help that along the better! That's why we have that video as our landing page - we want to bring people together so they can help grow each other's businesses!
Marc Nathan
I use Entro three to five times a week to make introductions with my connections who should know each other. The best part is the log that reminds me who I've already connected and the reminders to follow up. I like Entro because it fits in with my existing email workflow and eliminates the awkwardness of asking individuals who may not want to say yes, but do it at their convenience.
Seth Gold
@marc1919 your support has been amazing. Glad you are enjoying the product and finding it helpful!
Randy Creighton
What a great product, easy and quick way to keep your referrals going. Great work. Going to start using this!
Seth Gold
@kaner88lv awesome Randy feel free to send me any feedback you have!
Chloe Alpert
This is great - tracking introductions is especially relevant in the bdev space. Right now I'm connecting my interns to a number of people to help them with their projects, and it's a great way to see who's stepping up to the plate.
Seth Gold
@chloealpert you da best!
Jack Smith
this looks like a great idea; but I don't like that it sends them an email for them asking to "click accept" to accept an intro. I'd prefer if the process didn't look as automated to the users
Seth Gold
@_jacksmith What do you suggest to make the opt-in look smoother and more natural?
Jack Smith
@seth_gold probably like just sent the opt in portion of the email as a normal email; nothing looking like it's sent from a system. then when that person replies, I can click a link or button or something to release the part-2 of the intro. so all the interacting with systems is done on my end
Seth Gold
@_jacksmith it's definitely very interesting. Will let this marinate in my head some more.
Danny Fiorentini
@seth_gold @_jacksmith this is what I was getting at too, @seth_gold. A bit cleaner UX where the first email doesn't seem so automated and botty. Sit on it. You'll get it.
Colin L.
Getting opt_in is great to save time, but the auto followup is my favorite feature. I forget about intros I make and then I get a response to the followup that it went well without having to remember.
Seth Gold
@xolin the Follow Up's is definitely a magic moment like finding loose change in the couch!
Akshay Patel
Great productivity problem to tackle with limitless audiences. Immediately installed it and got to work on an introduction. Thanks!
Seth Gold
@mrakshaypatel Love it! Let me know if you have any questions
Akshay Patel
@seth_gold Will do! Off the bat, why the need for a "Make Entro" button and "Start New Entro" link in the menu?
Seth Gold
@mrakshaypatel it's instead of adding a 'clear all' button inside. Make Entro will keep everything if you exit out. Start New goes from scratch. I think there might be a better way to do it though.
Colin L.
A must if you make email intros frequently.
Love It is a daily thing when I am either soliciting intros or being solicited for an intro. entro makes two sided intros a breeze. I have been fortunate to have been a beta user and have seen the product evolve, I make intros very easily with the click of a button. Being a connector gives me a lot of joy, and entro doubles the joy.
Seth Gold
@vjayramani Hahahha might need to take that end tagline!
David Toper
As someone on the job market who's constantly harassing friends for intros I can definitely see them using Entro and, in turn, hating me less. Excited to share!
Seth Gold
@david_toper hahaha will need to add that into our pitch :)
Corey Breier
This is AWESOME! at least from the introducers point of view. I'm wondering if the automated nature of the intro ask email would turn some people off though? It's certainly less warm, and might make some people less inclined to help than an obviously organic email - ex: hey jeff met joe, you down? versus this obviously machine generated photo angellist link pastiche. could be cool to be able to edit the intro email to appear organic, like @ramitsethi does in his email lists
Seth Gold
@itscoreyb @ramitsethi hey Corey, you can customize what you want to say so it's completely organic. The person receiving it just has to click 'accept' or 'decline'. Happy to send you a test Entro so you can see how it looks and feels from the receiving end. shows the whole flow well too!
Steven Rueter
@seth_gold I was quite literally thinking about this yesterday after a friend made an intro for a build a friend of his needs. I thought, wow, email intros are kind of cumbersome; it would be great if there was an app for that. Well, looks like there is! Great job for a seemingly trivial yet everyday stumble. One thing that would be cool for professional introductions would be to, apart from the social links, include a link to a relevant portfolio piece. For example, the person looking for a developer whom I was introduced to could easily be shown a link to a relevant portfolio piece of mine.
Seth Gold
@rueter hahaah great minds think alike :)
Chikodi Chima
I wish I saw this yesterday. A friend asked me for an introduction to a former classmate, and I forgot about the power of the double-opt in. Super confused by the video tho
Seth Gold
@chikodi email me any questions you have, anytime
Danny Fiorentini
Congrats @Seth_gold. Used this the other day and it's pretty sweet. My only concern is that it will eventually become a bit robotic, but can tweak the UX over time to ensure it remains personal. Keep up the great work.
Seth Gold
@dannyfiorentini We will let you create your own customizable templates over time. Thanks for the love Danny!
Steve Franco, CEO
I get asked by clients to connect them to others clients all the time; so I see a great need for this. I'll start to use Entro - based on the video, it seems like a seamless process.
Seth Gold
@stevefranco awesome! Email me if you need anything